Mode d’emploi ADE KE 1503 Thea Balance de cuisine

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Mode d’emploi


Thank you for deciding to purchase this high-quality product from the WAAGEN-
SCHMITT Company. You have purchased a set of scales of the highest technical
standard and proven quality.
Please read through this operating manual carefully before starting-up the scales for the
first time, and keep it in a safe place so that this information is available to you when you
need it.
1. Start-up
Inserting the battery:
Open the battery compartment cover on the underside of the scales and insert the
provided batteries (2 x 1.5V AAA). Please be mindful of the correct polarity of the
batteries (+/-).
Safety information:
Please take care not to let any objects fall onto the scales,
otherwise the scales could be damaged.
Only clean the scales with a damp cloth. Do not use any solvents or
abrasive cleaning products. Do not immerse in water. All plastic
parts of the scales should be cleaned immediately after contact
with fat, spices, vinegar and other strongly seasoned and coloured
foodstuffs. Avoid contact with citric acid.
2. Operation
Activating the scales:
Place the scales on an even and firm surface. To switch the scales on, press down on
the weighing platform with a pressure of at least 500 grams (Press-On Technology). The
backlight will turn on and “88888” will initially appear on the display. After the scales have
stabilised (Indicator: Stability symbol ), either “0 g” / “0.000 lb / “0.00 oz” or “0.000 kg”
will appear, depending on the settings. The scales are now ready for weighing.
Please note: If a weight-value is shown on the display after activation, press the OFF/t
button to set the scales to zero.
Units of weight:
By pressing the unit button located to the left of the display, you can change the
country-specific unit of weight (g = gram / lb = pound / oz = ounce / kg = kilogram).
Please make sure that the scales are set to the weight-unit relevant to you.
Zeroing (tare) func tion:
By pressing the OFF/t button you can set the scales to 0 g (Indicator: Tare symbol
"0). Place, for example, a bowl on the weighing platform, press the OFF/t button and
thus set the scales to “0 g” again. This process can be repeated as often as you like until
the total capacity of the scales (5 kg) is reached. After removing the weighed item the
total weight will be displayed as a negative value (Indicator: Minus symbol –).
Automatic deactivation of scales:
If the displayed weight does not change within approx. two minutes, the scales
automatically deactivate. In order to conserve battery power, you can deactivate the
scales manually by holding down the OFF/t button for approx. 2 seconds.
3. Error Messages
“Lo” = Indication that the battery is flat – Please replace the batteries with two
1.5V AAA.
EEE E = Overload display The 5 kg maximum capacity of the scales has been
exceeded. Immediately remove the load from the scales; otherwise, the
load cell could be damaged.
4. Technical Data
Carrying power x graduation: Max. 5 kg x 1 g
Dimensions: 163 mm x 212 mm x 21 mm
Batteries: 2 x 1.5V AAA (included)
Subject to technical changes due to further-development of the product.
2. Warranty
WAAGEN-SCHMITT guarantees the free correction of defects resulting from material or
manufacturing faults through repair or exchange 3 years from the purchase date. Please
get your warranty section filled out and stamped by the retailer when you make your
purchase. In case of warranty, return the scales to your retailer along with the warranty
section indicating the reason for your complaint.
Please note: Under extreme electromagnetic influences e.g. when operating a radio
device in immediate proximity to the scales, the indicator value may be affected. After the
disturbing influence has stopped, the product may once again be used as intended,
although a re-activation may be necessary.
Legal duty to inform about battery disposal:
Batteries do not belong in household waste. As a consumer you are legally obligated to
return batteries. You can hand in your old batteries at the public collection point in your
community or anywhere where batteries of the same kind are sold.
Please note:
These symbols can be found on batteries:
Li = Battery contains lithium
= Battery contains alkali
= Battery contains manganese
CR2032 (Li); AA (Al, Mn); AAA (Al, Mn)
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos ADE KE 1503 Thea Balance de cuisine. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter ADE. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre ADE KE 1503 Thea Balance de cuisine dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque ADE
Modèle KE 1503 Thea
Catégorie Balances de cuisine
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.6 MB

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Foire aux questions sur ADE KE 1503 Thea Balance de cuisine

Notre équipe d’assistance recherche des informations utiles sur les produits et des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées. Si vous trouvez une inexactitude dans notre foire aux questions, veuillez nous le faire savoir en utilisant notre formulaire de contact.

Combien de grammes une once contient-elle ? Vérifié

Une once représente exactement 28,3495231 28,5 grammes ou 28,5 grammes si on arrondit.

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Une pile de mon appareil est oxydée, puis-je quand même l’utiliser en toute sécurité ? Vérifié

Oui, l’appareil peut toujours être utilisé en toute sécurité. Tout d’abord, retirez la batterie oxydée. N’utilisez jamais les mains nues pour ce faire. Nettoyez ensuite le compartiment de batterie avec un coton-tige trempé dans du vinaigre ou du jus de citron. Laissez sécher et insérez des piles neuves.

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Comment nettoyer ma balance de cuisine? Vérifié

Une balance de cuisine est un appareil électronique et, en tant que tel, elle ne peut pas être nettoyée au lave-vaisselle. Utilisez un chiffon humide et un détergent doux pour nettoyer la balance de cuisine.

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Mode d’emploi ADE KE 1503 Thea Balance de cuisine

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