Mode d’emploi Bertazzoni CB36500X Table de cuisson

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Mode d’emploi


1. Small Burner Model 5 Burner Fig. 14
2. Medium burner Model 6 Burner Fig. 15
3. Rapid burner
4. Dual burner
5. Front left side burner control knob
6. Front right side burner control knob
7. Rear right side burner control knob
8. Rear left side burner control knob
9. Central burner control knob
10. Front central side burner control knob
11. Central rear side burner control knob
(Diagrams fig. 16 fig.17)
1 Electric panel
2 Lighter button
3 Ignition device
4 Lighting plugs
L Brown (phase)
N Blue (neutral)
Yellow/Green (earth)
On the control panel above every knob there is a diagram which indicates which burner the knob in question refers to. The burners can
be turned on in several ways according to the type of appliance and its individual features:
- Manual “On” switch ( this is always possible even if the electric current is cut off ): Turn the knob corresponding to the selected
burner in an anticlockwise direction so that the knob is at MAXIMUM (this corresponds to a large flame) and then put a lit match to the
- Electric “On” switch: Turn the knob corresponding to the selected burner in an anticlockwise direction so that the knob is at
MAXIMUM (this corresponds to a large flame) and then press the lighter button and let it go as soon as the burner is alight..
- Automatic Electric “On” switch: Turn the knob corresponding to the selected burner in an anticlockwise direction so that the knob is
at MAXIMUM (this corresponds to a large flame) and then press in the knob. Let it go as soon as the burner is alight.
- “On switch for burners with safety device ( thermocouples ): Turn the knob corresponding to the selected burner in an
anticlockwise direction so that the knob is at MAXIMUM (this corresponds to a large flame) and then use one of the lighting devices
described above. When the burner is lit keep the knob pressed in for about 10 seconds in order to allow the flame to heat up the
thermocouple. If the burner goes out when letting the knob go, repeat the operation all over again.
- Use of the Dual burner (Fig.18)
This model controls both the central and the external crown of the burner with just one valve.
To ignite the central crown and the external crown of the burner, press and turn the knob to the maximum delivery position 1
and hold it down until ignition; in this position both the internal and the external flame are at maximum.
Turn the knob to position 2 to have the external crown at minimum and the internal crown at maximum flame
Turn the knob to position 3 to have the internal crown at maximum and the external crown off
Turn the knob to position 4 to have the internal crown at minimum and the external crown off.
N.B.: You are advised not to try and light a burner if its flame divider is not correctly in place.
Advice for the best use of the burners:
- Use suitable pans for each burner ( see tab. n° 4 and Fig. 19).
- When boiling point is reached turn the knob on to MINIMUM.
- Always use pans with a lid.
TABLE N°4: Recommended pan diameters.
BURNER PAN DIAMETERS recommended (cm.)
Small 9 - 14
Medium 14 - 26
Large 18 - 26
Dual 22 - 26
ATTENTION: use containers with a flat bottom
ATTENTION: If there is no electric current you can light the burners with matches.
Lighting the burners with safety thermocouples can only be carried out when the knob is on MAXIMUM (large flame) .When
cooking food with oil or fat which can easily set alight, the user must not leave the appliance.
Do not use sprays near the appliance when it is in use. When using the burners make sure that the pan handles are in the
correct position. Keep children away. If the hob has a lid, before closing it, make sure that the surrounding work surface is
cleaned of any food that has been left there.
NOTE: The use of a gas cooking appliance produces heat and humidity in the place where it is installed. Therefore you need to
ensure that the place is well ventilated, keeping clear the natural ventilation openings (Fig. 6 ) and using the mechanical
ventilation device/ flue or electric fan ( Fig. 6A and 6B ). Intensive or prolonged use of the appliance may require additional
entilation such as by opening a window or an increased ventilation efficiency obtained by increasing the power of the
echanical ventilators if it is present.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.51 MB)
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Marque Bertazzoni
Modèle CB36500X
Catégorie Tables de cuisson
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.51 MB

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Foire aux questions sur Bertazzoni CB36500X Table de cuisson

Notre équipe d’assistance recherche des informations utiles sur les produits et des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées. Si vous trouvez une inexactitude dans notre foire aux questions, veuillez nous le faire savoir en utilisant notre formulaire de contact.

Quelles sont les casseroles qui peuvent être utilisées sur une table de cuisson à induction ? Vérifié

En général toutes les casseroles qui sont magnétiques peuvent être utilisées sur une table de cuisson à induction. Presque toutes les nouvelles casseroles sont adaptées à l'induction.

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Ma plaque de cuisson est équipée d’une fiche secteur qui ne s’adapte pas à une prise de courant ordinaire, que dois-je faire ? Vérifié

De nombreuses tables de cuisson électriques (en céramique et à induction) ont une fiche différente. C’est parce que ces appareils nécessitent beaucoup d’énergie. Faites faire l’installation de l’appareil par un professionnel.

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Pourquoi l’allumage de ma cuisinière émet-il un cliquetis ? Vérifié

Si la cuisinière a été nettoyée abondamment avec de l’eau, les boutons peuvent avoir été mouillés, déclenchant l’allumage. Laissez les boutons sécher. Si le problème persiste, vous devez contacter le fabricant.

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Mode d’emploi Bertazzoni CB36500X Table de cuisson

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