Mode d’emploi Billing Boats set BB580 Boatkits Marie jeanne

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Mode d’emploi


Tunny shing is a very strenuous occupation that requires really strong seaworthy boats that are
really fast. Many types were used originally, some were too clumsy and ‘Chaluppes’ of about 20
ton were not sufciently strong and the following boat type developed. It is a ‘dundee’ of about 50
or 60 tons rigged with many sails and carrying a 12 men crew.
The white tunny is caught with lines. The funny shing boats are equipped with ‘tangons’, long
pools, more than 20m long. They are placed on each side of the main mast, and they are lowered
down on each side, when the boat is shing. Normally every ‘tangon’ has 7 lines, which are con-
nected to each other by ropes, which enables the shermen to drag the tunnies aboard without
touching the position of the ‘tangons’. Two other lines are xed to the stern and often a third - very
long one - is xed to the top of the main mast. The lines end in a so called ‘avancon’ made of
brass wire, where the shing hook is xed. The bite is articial as the white tunny is very greedy.
The bite is f.i. made of white hair with a bit of corn straw.
FIG. 1, 2, 3 AND 4
Here we show an example how to build the keel on the support. For the support you can use a
board, which is not included in the kit.
Put the keel vertical and at right angles between the 2 strips on the board.
Sandpaper the frames and x them to the keel. The frames are placed quite vertical and at right
angles. Glue them one at a time. Place the angle at the frame until the glue is dry.
Now adjust the middle pieces. They mustn’t be too right. Glue them.
Then glue the maststep and the other parts, shown on the drawing.
FIG. 5 AND 6
Before you start the planking, sandpaper the edges of the frames from amidships to bow and stern
in order to get the shape of the hull. Check with a strip, 3 frames at a time. The strip should t eas-
ily on the edges of the frames.
Glue the supporting pieces to the bow as foundation for the planking.
Start the planking from above and downwards from the supporting pieces in the bow to the sup-
porting pieces in the stern. It is important that you glue the pieces and strips in turn on the port and
starboard side of the hull, one at a time as the hull otherwise will warp.
Glue also the edges of the strips against each other.
Cut the planking in the shape of the supporting strips at the bow as shown on the drawing.
A strip should t easily on the hulls and must not be forced into the right place. Detach the strips
amidships at a frame and bow them against the bow (and stern). They will lie upon the strip just af-
xed (see drawing). Draw a line on the afxed strip and cut the superouous pieces off. Continue
in that way until the planking is nished.
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Iain Macdonald 27-01-2023
Les figures 1 à 11 semblent manquer dans les instructions. Sont-ils disponibles ? Merci

répondre | Cela a été utile (2) (Traduit par google)
Dan8 16-01-2020
comment faire pour avoir le manuel en français ?

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Marque Billing Boats
Modèle set BB580 Boatkits Marie jeanne
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.67 MB

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