Mode d’emploi Black and Decker B2250 Machine à pain

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Mode d’emploi


Program Menu # Baking Time Description
Setting Displayed Displayed
1.5LB 2.0LB
Basic 1 2:53 3:00 You can use this setting for
most recipes that use white
Rapid-Bake I 2 0:58 N/A Quickly bakes 1.5-lb size
loaves of white bread.
Rapid-Bake II 3 N/A 0:58 Quickly bakes 2.0-lb size
loaves of white breads.
Sandwich 4 2:55 3:00 Bakes bread for sandwiches
with thinner crust and lighter
Whole Grain 5 3:32 3:40 Bakes bread that contains
a large amount of wheat flour.
This setting has a longer
rise cycle.
Sweet 6 2:50 2:55 Bakes bread that contains sugar
and eggs.
Quick Bread 7 1:40 1:40 Bakes bread that contains
baking powder instead of yeast.
Dough 8 1:30 1:40 Prepares dough that can be
shaped to make coffee cakes,
rolls, pizza and other breads
baked in a conventional oven.
French 9 3:40 3:50 Bakes bread with thin crust and
light texture.
Preserves 10 1:20 1:20 This setting is to make jams
from fresh fruit.
How to Use
This unit is for household use only.
1. Follow the directions: The liquid is always the first ingredient.
Dry ingredients follow and the yeast is added last. Make a small well in the
center of the flour and place the yeast there. This is especially important
when using the delay-bake function to avoid activating the yeast too soon.
2. Measure carefully: Use the appropriate measuring tools and measure
carefully. The measuring scoop included should be used for dry
measurement only. Spoon dry ingredients into the measuring scoop and level
off with the straight edge of a metal spatula or the back of a knife. Measure
liquids in a glass or plastic measuring cup designed for liquids. Use
measuring spoons for liquid and dry ingredients. Level off with a metal
spatula or the back of a knife.
3. Keep it fresh: Use fresh ingredients at room temperature. In Canada, use
All-Purpose Flour or Bread Flour; in the USA, use Bread Flour. Use yeast that
has an expiration date of at least 6 months in the future. Avoid using
perishable ingredients (such as milk, eggs and cheese) when using the
delay-bake function.
4. Perfect dough: In very humid weather, bread may require a little more
flour. Check the bread toward the end of the first rise. If it seems sticky,
add 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour to the second kneading cycle until the dough
forms a smooth ball. If the bread seems very dry or knocks in the kneading
cycle, sprinkle room temperature water into the bowl, 1 teaspoon at a time,
until dough forms a smooth ball.
5. Look but don't open: The glass in the cover is there to monitor the
process. Do not open the lid during the baking process. In the initial mixing
you may open the cover to use a rubber spatula to blend in any ingredients
that have stuck to the sides of the bread pan or to open the cover to add
ingredients at the “add ingredient” beep.
6. Patience: Wait at least 20 minutes before slicing freshly baked bread; it will
still be deliciously warm but easier to slice. If you like a crisp crust, remove
the bread as soon as the baking cycle is complete. To make another loaf of
bread, let the unit cool completely.
7. Save it for another day: To freeze freshly baked bread, cool completely
on a wire rack. Wrap securely in plastic wrap and then foil using a drugstore
close. To serve, remove from foil and defrost in microwave. For that freshly
baked flavor, reheat in the oven.
8. Adding ingredients: All functions except Rapid Bake I and II, allow
for the addition of ingredients, such as dried fruits and nuts; the beep sounds
just before kneading is complete. This happens about 30 minutes into
the program.
Program Settings
The following program settings will make it easy for you to make a great variety
of breads and fruit preserves. For each selected setting, the baking time has been
preprogrammed. The recipes provided on pages 14-21 (Model B2200), 22-29
(Model B2250) will help you determine which program setting you should use.
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Marque Black and Decker
Modèle B2250
Catégorie Machines à pain
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.48 MB

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Foire aux questions sur Black and Decker B2250 Machine à pain

Notre équipe d’assistance recherche des informations utiles sur les produits et des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées. Si vous trouvez une inexactitude dans notre foire aux questions, veuillez nous le faire savoir en utilisant notre formulaire de contact.

Puis-je nettoyer le moule de ma machine à pain à l’aide d’une éponge métallique ? Vérifié

Non. La plupart des machines à pain disposent d'un moule doté d'une couche non-adhérente pouvant être endommagée avec une éponge métallique ou un nettoyant abrasif. Utilisez uniquement le côté doux d’une éponge métallique ou un torchon mouillé.

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Pourquoi dois-je retirer le plateau avant d’ajouter des ingrédients ? Vérifié

Ceci afin d’éviter que les ingrédients ne tombent sur un élément chauffant. Ils pourraient brûler et causer de la fumée.

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Mode d’emploi Black and Decker B2250 Machine à pain

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