Mode d’emploi Camry CR 2320 Lisseur

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Mode d’emploi


immediately remove the power plug or power adaptor from the socket. If the device is
powered, do not put hands in the water. Have the device checked by the qualified electrician
before using it again.
18. Do not touch the device or power adaptor with wet hands.
19. The device has to be turned off after every use.
20. Do not leave the unit on to the wall outlet or power supply unit unattended.
21. If the device utilises a power adaptor, do not cover it, because this can cause a
dangerous temperature rise and can damage the device. Always connect the power adaptor
cable to the device, and then connect the power adaptor to the power socket.
22. Keep the device out of the reach of children. Using the devices by children must be
supervised by adults.
23. The power cord should not touch hot parts of the device and should not be located near
other heat sources.
24. Do not wrap electric cable around the device.
25. Do not use the appliance in the bath.
26. Do not remove dust or foreign bodies from the inside of the hair straightener using sharp
27. Do not use outdoors or where aerosols are being used or where oxygen is being
28. Do not cover the appliance, it might cause the accumulation of heat in its interior and it
may cause damage or fire.
29. Hairsprays contain flammable materials. Do not apply them while using the device.
30. Do not use the device on people who are sleeping.
31. The device can be supplied only with the voltage specified on the housing.
32. During operation, do not place the device on wet surfaces or clothes.
33. After use, turn off and unplug the unit. Wait until the device cools down before storing.
34.During the operation ceramic plates heat up to high temperatures. Do not touch hot parts
of the hair curling iron and do not allow contact with the skin of the head, because it may
cause burns
35. The device is not designed to work with external schedulers or separate remote control
1. On/Off button 2. Temperature setting +/- buttons 130ºC - 190 ºC … - 230ºC
3. Handle 4. Blue LCD display 5. Lock
6. Silicone cool touch tips 7. Titanium plates 8. Stand
To achieve the best results in hair straightening, use a device on washed, brushed and dry hair. To prevent hair damage, make sure to use
the correct temperature setting for your hair type.
1. Before starting the device, the electrical wire should be fully unrolled.
2. Insert the plug into the socket.
3. Press the On/Off button (1) until the unit turns on and LCD display lights up.
4. Adjust the temperature using the temperature buttons (2). During heat up time, the LCD temperature display will pulse from 0 to 5 blue
lines until the desired temperature is reached. When the appliance reaches the desired temperature, the pulsing will stop, and all 5 lines
will be displayed. Wait 15 seconds to allow the appliance to reach its working temperature.
5. Starting from the top of the head choose a small strand of hair and straighten it and comb.
6. Then put it between the plates (7)
7. Move slowly away in the direction from the roots to the ends of hair.
NOTE: The device is hot during operation. Do not touch the plates to the scalp or hands.
8. Repeat with the next strand until all the hair bands will be stretched.
9. Wait until the hair cool down and comb them.
10. After finishing work, turn off the straightener. Press On/Off button (1) and hold it for about 3 seconds until the LCD display turns off.
Then unplug the power cord from the outlet.
After approximately one hour, the device will automatically shut itself off. To reactivate the device, press the On/Off button (1).
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 5.8 MB)
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Marque Camry
Modèle CR 2320
Catégorie Lisseurs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 5.8 MB

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Puis-je utiliser un fer à lisser sur cheveux mouillés ? Vérifié

Il n’est pas conseillé d’utiliser un fer à lisser sur cheveux mouillés. Pour un meilleur résultat, vos cheveux doivent être complètement secs.

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Puis-je enrouler le cordon autour de l'appareil après utilisation ? Vérifié

Il vaut mieux ne pas le faire, car cela peut endommager le cordon. La meilleure chose à faire est d'enrouler le cordon comme il l'était lorsque le produit a été emballé.

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Mode d’emploi Camry CR 2320 Lisseur

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