Mode d’emploi Casals VNTR250M Scie à onglet

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Mode d’emploi


Mitre saw VNTR250M
Absorbed power W 1800
No-load speed rpm 4500
Cut with base at 0º and head at 90º / mitre (AxB Fig.7a) mm 75x130
Cut with base at 0º and head at 45º / mitre (AxB Fig.7b) mm 52x130
Cut with base at 45º and head at 45º / mitre (AxB fig.7c) mm 52x90
Cut on upper bench mm 0-40
Blade diameter mm 250
Blade hole diameter mm 30
Weight Kg 16
Acoustic pressure, Lpa dBA 93
Sound power emitted, Lwa dBA 106
Vibration level (according to ISO 8041 and ISO 5348) m/seg
The instructions contained in this manual must be strictly
followed, it should be carefully read and kept close at
hand to use w hen carrying out maintenance on the
indicated parts.
If the tool is used with care and a normal maintenance is
carried out, it will have a long life.
IDENTIFICATION (See indicated figures)
A Uptake connection nozzle (Fig.1)
B Pushbutton switch (Fig.3)
C Safety hook release button (Fig.1)
D Upper table power ON switch (Fig.1)
E Upper table power OFF switch (Fig.1)
F Upper bench saw protector (Fig.2)
G Upper bench (Fig.2)
H Saw protector and upper table block (Fig.6)
I Saw blade (Fig.1 and 4)
J Mobile guard (Fig.1 and 4)
K Turntable (Fig.1)
L Base (Fig.1)
M Fixed guide (Fig.1)
N Turn table blocking knob (Fig.1)
O Motor group blocking handle (Fig.5)
P Position lock pin (Fig.5 and 6)
Q Table height regulating knob (Fig.5)
R1 Graduated scale for turning the motor unit (Fig.5)
R2 Graduated scale turntable (Fig.1)
S Guide fixing butterfly (Fig.1)
T Upper bench guide (Fig.1)
U Tracking device (Fig.1)
V Saw penetration adjustment screw (Fig.5)
Z Adjustment bolt (Fig.5)
Z1 Adjustment bolt (Fig.1)
Z3 Clamp (Fig.1)
The robust and highly reliable structure makes these
mitres suitable for cutting w ood and aluminium in indus-
trial environments, while preserving their usual ease of
handling and without restricting their movement.
These models are fitted with a w ide upper table that
allows the mitre saw to be transformed into a table saw
to carry out cutting.
The tool has been designed and built so that it is possi-
ble to work in all situations with total safety, however, in
special working conditions, glov es and protectiv e gog-
gles should be worn.
The tool has been designed and built to reduce noise
to a minimum (see technical data), however, in special
conditions the maximum noise level in the workplace
might exceed 85 dB (A). In this case, the operator
should protect himself from ex cessive noise by using
ear protectors.
See manual ‘Safety instructions’ which is supplied
together with this instructions manual.
Before connecting the machine to the mains, one must
make sure that it complies with current regulations in the
country where it is used and that the voltage and fre-
quency are as indicated on the characteristics plate.
When extensions are used, make sure that the cross
section of the cables is suited to their length. If using roll
up extensions, make sure that they unroll completely in
order to prevent overheating.
The tool that you have purchased is a transportable or
semi-stationary electric tool. O nly one operator is
needed to use it, giv en its structure, w eight and ease
of handling.
In normal use, the operator is in front of the machine
with the handle to his right. The right hand on the handle
allows the machine to be handled completely, in fact, the
switch and a safety hook may be accessed w ithout
releasing the handle.
The mitre is deliv ered by the manufacturer already
adjusted and squared according to standard parameters.
WARNING – b efore making any adjustment of the
mitre, unplug the machine.
An internal spring keeps the motor unit at rest position
In this position, a safety hook prev ents the unit from
being activated accidentally.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 1.29 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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Marque Casals
Modèle VNTR250M
Catégorie Scies à onglets
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.29 MB

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Dois-je porter une protection auditive lorsque j'utilise une scie à onglets ? Vérifié

Oui tu devrais. Bien que la quantité de bruit produite par une scie à onglets puisse varier selon les marques et les modèles, une exposition à long terme à un bruit fort peut provoquer des dommages auditifs permanents. C'est pourquoi il est conseillé de porter une protection auditive.

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Puis-je ranger des outils électriques dans un hangar ou un garage ? Vérifié

En général, vous pouvez ranger les outils électriques dans un cabanon ou un garage, même s'il y gèle parfois. Cependant, pour préserver la durée de vie de l'outil électrique, il est préférable de le stocker dans un endroit sec et sans variations de température importantes. Dans une remise ou un garage, les différences de température peuvent provoquer la formation de condensation, ce qui peut provoquer de la rouille. De plus, les outils fonctionnant sur piles durent moins longtemps et se chargent moins bien à des températures très basses. Pour être sûr de la manière dont votre outil électrique doit être stocké, lisez toujours attentivement le manuel d'utilisation.

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Mode d’emploi Casals VNTR250M Scie à onglet

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