Mode d’emploi CombiSteel 7529.0010 Appareils de mise sous vide

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Mode d’emploi


Thank you for purchasing the 7529.0010 Vacuum Packaging Unit. With the help of the 7529.0010, you will now be able to
keep food fresher longer in the refrigerator, freezer and pantry. The 7529.0010 effectively removes air and extends freshness
up to five times longer than normal preservation methods. Also, the 7529.0010 can be used to preserve and organize
household items like keepsakes, small toys and easy-to-lose items. You will soon find your 7529.0010 to be so versatile and
convenient, it will never leave your countertop.
The 7529.0010 is a chamber vacuum system, which offers two distinct advantages over non-chamber, external bag type units.
First, a much higher level of vacuum can be achieved, which means a longer shelf life for foods that you package. Secondly,
liquids and liquid-rich foods can be effectively vacuum packaged. Foods like fresh meats, fish, soups, stews, etc. are no longer
a problem to vacuum package. Marinated vegetables and meats are packaged quickly with ease, and no mess.
The 7529.0010 Chamber Machine uses commercial technology. Simply place the pouch to be sealed inside the chamber and
close the lid. Push start and the sealing process begins! First, the air is removed from the entire chamber and the vacuum
pouch. Once the pre-set vacuum level is achieved, the pouch is sealed. Upon completion of the sealing cycle, air flows back
into the chamber. Wait for the beep, and the process is complete.
With the 7529.0010, you can easily package a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Prep and store smaller, individual serving
portions as well as bulk items. The maximum vacuum bag width is 290mm.
Vacuum Packaging and Food Safety
Vacuum packaging extends the life of foods by removing most of the air from sealed containers and prevents fresh air
escaping into the sealed containers, thereby reducing oxidation. Vacuum packaging helps preserve flavor and overall quality.
It also helps inhibit the growth of aerobic microorganisms, which can lead to the problems noted below under certain
Mold Mold cannot grow in a low oxygen environment; therefore vacuum packaging can virtually eliminate it.
Yeast Results in fermentation, which can be identified by smell and taste. Yeast needs water, sugar and a moderate
temperature to grow. It can also survive with or without air. Slowing the growth of yeast requires refrigeration, while freezing
stops it completely.
Bacteria – Results in an unpleasant odor, discoloration and/or soft or slimy texture. Under the right conditions, clostridium
botulinum (the organism that causes Botulism) can grow without air and cannot be detected by smell or taste. Although it is
extremely rare, it can be very dangerous.
As with any other storage container, it is important to inspect food for spoilage prior to consuming.
To preserve foods safely, it is important to maintain low temperatures. You can significantly reduce the growth of micro-
organisms at temperatures of 4ºC or below. Freezing at -17ºC does not kill microorganisms, but stops them from growing.
For long-term storage, always freeze perishable foods that have been vacuum packaged.
It is important to note that vacuum packaging cannot reverse the deterioration of foods. It can only slow down changes in
quality. It is difficult to predict how long foods will retain their top-quality flavor, appearance or texture because it depends
on the age and the condition of the food on the day it was vacuumed packaged.
Note: vacuum packaging is not a substitute for refrigeration or freezing. Any perishable foods that require refrigeration must
still be refrigerated or frozen after vacuum packaging.
Preparation Guidelines
Vegetables need to be blanched before vacuum packaging. This process stops the enzyme action, which leads to loss of flavor,
color and texture. To blanch vegetables, place them in boiling water or in the microwave until they are cooked, but still crisp.
Then, immerse the vegetables in cold water to stop the cooking process. Finally, dry the vegetables on a towel before vacuum
packaging. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, turnips) naturally emit gases during storage.
Therefore, after blanching, they must be stored in the freezer only.
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Marque CombiSteel
Modèle 7529.0010
Catégorie Appareils de mise sous vide
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.53 MB

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Mode d’emploi CombiSteel 7529.0010 Appareils de mise sous vide

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