Mode d’emploi DeWalt DCG415W1 Meuleuse angulaire

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Mode d’emploi


t ) The arbor size of hubbed wheels, flanges,
backing pads or any other accessory must
properly fit the spindle of the power tool.
Accessories with arbor holes that do not match the
mounting hardware of the power tool will run out
of balance, vibrate excessively and may cause loss
u ) Use clamps or another practical way to secure
and support the workpiece to a stable platform.
Holding the work by hand against your body leaves it
unstable and may lead to loss ofcontrol.
Kickback and Related Warnings
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged
rotating wheel, backing pad, brush or any other accessory.
Pinching or snagging causes rapid stalling of the rotating
accessory which in turn causes the uncontrolled power tool to
be forced in the direction opposite of the accessory’s rotation
at the point of thebinding.
For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged or pinched by
the workpiece, the edge of the wheel that is entering into the
pinch point can dig into the surface of the material causing
the wheel to climb out or kick out. The wheel may either jump
toward or away from the operator, depending on direction
of the wheel’s movement at the point of pinching. Abrasive
wheels may also break under theseconditions.
Kickback is the result of tool misuse and/or incorrect operating
procedures or conditions and can be avoided by taking proper
precautions as given below:
a ) Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and
position your body and arm to allow you to resist
kickback forces. Always use auxiliary handle, if
provided, for maximum control over kickback or
torque reaction during start up. The operator can
control torque reaction or kickback forces, if proper
precautions aretaken.
b ) Never place your hand near the rotating
accessory. Accessory may kickback over yourhand.
c ) Do not position your body in the area where
power tool will move if kickback occurs. Kickback
will propel the tool in direction opposite to the wheel’s
movement at the point ofsnagging.
d ) Use special care when working corners, sharp
edges etc. Avoid bouncing and snagging the
accessory. Corners, sharp edges or bouncing have
a tendency to snag the rotating accessory and cause
loss of control orkickback.
e ) Do not attach a saw chain woodcarving blade
or toothed saw blade. Such blades create frequent
kickback and loss ofcontrol.
Safety Warnings Specific for Grinding and
Abrasive Cutting-Off Operations
a ) Use only wheel types that are recommended for
your power tool and the specific guard designed
for the selected wheel. Wheels for which the power
fragments. The eye protection must be capable
of stopping flying debris generated by various
operations. The dust mask or respirator must
be capable of filtrating particles generated by
your operation. Prolonged exposure to high intensity
noise may cause hearingloss.
i ) Keep bystanders a safe distance away from work
area. Anyone entering the work area must wear
personal protective equipment. Fragments of
workpiece or of a broken accessory may fly away and
cause injury beyond immediate area ofoperation.
j ) Hold the power tool by insulated gripping
surfaces only, when performing an operation
where the cutting accessory may contact hidden
wiring or its own cord. Cutting accessory contacting
a “live” wire may make exposed metal parts of the
power tool “live” and could give the operator an
k ) Never lay the power tool down until the
accessory has come to a complete stop. The
spinning accessory may grab the surface and pull the
power tool out of yourcontrol.
l ) Do not run the power tool while carrying it at
your side. Accidental contact with the spinning
accessory could snag your clothing, pulling the
accessory into yourbody.
m ) Regularly clean the power tool’s air vents. The
motor’s fan will draw the dust inside the housing and
excessive accumulation of powdered metal may cause
n ) Do not operate the power tool near flammable
materials. Sparks could ignite thesematerials.
o ) Do not use accessories that require liquid
coolants. Using water or other liquid coolants may
result in electrocution orshock.
p ) Do not use Type 11 (flaring cup) wheels on this
tool. Using inappropriate accessories can result
q ) Always use auxiliary handle. Tighten the handle
securely. The auxiliary handle should always be used
to maintain control of the tool at alltimes.
r ) When starting the tool with a new or
replacement wheel, or a new or replacement
wire brush installed, hold the tool in a well
protected area and let it run for one minute. If
the wheel has an undetected crack or flaw, it
should burst in less than one minute. If the wire
brush has loose wires, they will be detected.
Never start the tool with a person in line with the
wheel. This includes theoperator.
s ) To prevent the spindle end from contacting the
bottom of the hole of the abrasive product, use
accessories that have a threaded hole depth of
at least 21 mm. Failure to use an accessory with the
appropriate thread depth could result in damage to
the abrasive product and injury to the operator or
persons in thearea.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 8.74 MB)
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Marque DeWalt
Modèle DCG415W1
Catégorie Meuleuses angulaires
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 8.74 MB

Tous les modes d’emploi pour DeWalt Meuleuses angulaires
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Foire aux questions sur DeWalt DCG415W1 Meuleuse angulaire

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Sur quels matériaux puis-je utiliser ma meuleuse d'angle ? Vérifié

Les meuleuses d'angle sont mieux adaptés pour une utilisation sur le métal ou la pierre. Les machines génèrent beaucoup de chaleur et sont donc moins adaptées pour une utilisation sur du bois ou du plastique.

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Dois-je porter une protection auditive lorsque j'utilise une meuleuse d'angle ? Vérifié

Oui, vous devriez. Bien que la quantité de bruit produite par une meuleuse d'angle varie selon les marques et les modèles, une exposition prolongée aux bruits forts peut entraîner des lésions auditives permanentes. C'est pourquoi il est judicieux de porter une protection auditive.

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Dois-je porter une protection pour les yeux lorsque j'utilise une meuleuse d'angle ? Vérifié

Oui. De petites particules peuvent s'envoler lors du broyage. Lorsque celles-ci touchent l'œil, elles peuvent causer des dommages permanents aux yeux. C'est pourquoi il est toujours nécessaire de porter une protection oculaire.

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Puis-je ranger des outils électriques dans un hangar ou un garage ? Vérifié

En général, vous pouvez ranger les outils électriques dans un cabanon ou un garage, même s'il y gèle parfois. Cependant, pour préserver la durée de vie de l'outil électrique, il est préférable de le stocker dans un endroit sec et sans variations de température importantes. Dans une remise ou un garage, les différences de température peuvent provoquer la formation de condensation, ce qui peut provoquer de la rouille. De plus, les outils fonctionnant sur piles durent moins longtemps et se chargent moins bien à des températures très basses. Pour être sûr de la manière dont votre outil électrique doit être stocké, lisez toujours attentivement le manuel d'utilisation.

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Mode d’emploi DeWalt DCG415W1 Meuleuse angulaire

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