Mode d’emploi Emerio EB-125455 Cuiseur à oeufs

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Mode d’emploi


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EB-125455 EN
1. Cover
2. Egg tray
3. Heating plate
4. Indicator lights
5. ON/OFF button
6. Handle
7. Measuring cup
8. Egg piercer
9. Socket for measuring cup
(You can pull out the socket cover to store the measuring cup.)
Warning: Please be careful when pouring out water from the appliance. Always unplug the egg boiler before
moving and before pouring out water. Never let water run over the ON/OFF button and indicator lights.
1. Remove the cover and egg tray to pour water onto the heating plate. Use the measuring cup and every time
pour two cups of water (each cup contains water to the scale mark).
2. Place the egg tray above the heating plate.
3. Use the egg piercer to prick a small aperture into the big end of each egg. The piercing pin is very sharp, use
with extreme caution. This prevents the eggshells bursting during boiling.
4. Put the eggs onto the egg tray by the small end facing downwards. Close the cover.
5. Plug in the appliance. Press the ON/OFF button to turn on the appliance. A notifying sound is played. The
appliance starts to boil the eggs.
6. After 8 minutes, the voice tells you “Die weichen Eier sind fertig [The eggs are now soft boiled.]. The first
indicator light turns on.
7. One minute later, the notifying sound is played.
8. When the appliance has run for 10 minutes, the voice tells you “Die mittelweichen Eier sind fertig [The eggs
are now medium boiled.]”. The first and second indicator lights turn on.
9. When the appliance has run for 12.5 minutes, the notifying sound is played again.
10. When the appliance has run for 15 minutes, the voice tells you Die harten Eier sind fertig [The eggs are now
hard boiled.]”. At this time, the three indicator lights all turn on.
11. After one more minute, all the lights go out and the appliance automatically turns off.
You will get 3 voice messages during the cooking time, soft, medium and hard-boiled egg. You will also hear
2 short signals in between the voice messages to give you the opportunity to find the perfect result. Think
about that the result can differentiate depending on the size of the eggs. Bigger eggs need slightly longer
cooking time.
You can decide whether to take the egg(s) out during the process when it’s soft/medium/hard boiled.
To take eggs out, carefully remove the cover by the handle as it is very hot. Let the eggs cool. You can run
eggs under cold water to peel them more easily.
Always unplug the appliance and allow cooling before cleaning. The egg tray and the cover can be washed
normally. However, the cooking plate which is fixed to the bottom of the appliance can only be cleaned with a
moistened towel. Never use abrasive cleaners. Do not use any metal tools or steel wool as they may cause
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.97 MB)
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Emerio EB-125455 Cuiseur à oeufs. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Emerio. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Emerio EB-125455 Cuiseur à oeufs dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Emerio
Modèle EB-125455
Catégorie Cuiseurs à oeufs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.97 MB

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Combien de temps dois-je faire bouillir des œufs ? Vérifié

Cela dépend de la dureté de l'œuf et de la taille de l'œuf. En général, on peut dire que pour des œufs à la coque, le temps d'ébullition est 3 à 4 minutes, pour des œufs mollets 5 à 6 minutes et pour des œufs durs 8 à 10 minutes. Les résultats peuvent varier selon les marques et les modèles.

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Mode d’emploi Emerio EB-125455 Cuiseur à oeufs

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