Mode d’emploi Generac 7686 GP8000E 49ST/CSA Générateur

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Mode d’emploi


Owner’s Manual for Portable Generator 1
Section 1 Introduction and Safety
Read This Manual Thoroughly
If any section of this manual is not understood,
contact the nearest Independent Authorized
Service Dealer (IASD) or Generac Customer
Service at 1-888-436-3722 (1-888-GEN-
ERAC), or visit for start-
ing, operating, and servicing procedures. The
owner is responsible for proper maintenance
and safe use of the unit.
erence. This manual contains important
instructions that must be followed during
placement, operation, and maintenance of the
unit and its components. Always supply this
manual to any individual that will use this unit,
and instruct them on how to correctly start,
operate, and stop the unit in case of emer-
The information in this manual is accurate
based on products produced at the time of
publication. The manufacturer reserves the
right to make technical updates, corrections,
and product revisions at any time without
Safety Rules
The manufacturer cannot anticipate every
possible circumstance that might involve a
hazard. The alerts in this manual, and on tags
and decals affixed to the unit, are not all inclu-
sive. If using a procedure, work method, or
operating technique that the manufacturer
does not specifically recommend, verify that it
is safe for others and does not render the
equipment unsafe.
Throughout this publication, and on tags and
decals affixed to the unit, DANGER, WARN-
ING, CAUTION, and NOTE blocks are used to
alert personnel to special instructions about a
particular operation that may be hazardous if
performed incorrectly or carelessly. Observe
them carefully. Alert definitions are as follows:
NOTE: Notes contain additional information
important to a procedure and will be found
within the regular text of this manual.
These safety alerts cannot eliminate the haz-
ards that they indicate. Common sense and
strict compliance with the special instructions
while performing the action or service are
essential to preventing accidents.
Safety Symbols and Meanings
If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak after
the generator has been running, move to
fresh air IMMEDIATELY. See a doctor, as
you could have carbon monoxide poison-
Consult Manual. Read and understand manual
completely before using product. Failure to
completely understand manual and product
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury.
Using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU IN MINUTES.
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell.
NEVER use inside a home
or garage, EVEN IF doors
and windows are open.
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents.
Asphyxiation. The exhaust system must be properly
maintained. Do not alter or modify the exhaust system
as to render it unsafe or make it noncompliant with
local codes and/or standards. Failure to do so will
result in death or serious injury.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 14.81 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Generac 7686 GP8000E 49ST/CSA Générateur. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Generac. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Generac 7686 GP8000E 49ST/CSA Générateur dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Generac
Modèle 7686 GP8000E 49ST/CSA
Catégorie Générateurs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 14.81 MB

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