Mode d’emploi Halo Bassinest Essentia 3846 Lit bébé

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Mode d’emploi


• Read and follow instructions before assembly and use. If you do not have instructions,
DO NOT use this product. Call 888-999-HALO or visit
• Before each use, inspect the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper for damaged hardware, loose or missing
components or sharp edges.
DO NOT use the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper if any parts are missing or broken. Contact or write
Halo Innovations for replacement parts and instructional literature if needed. DO NOT substitute parts.
• Discontinue use of this product when the child is showing signs of being able to pull up, rollover,
push up or sit up unassisted, or is able to move out of the security of the walled sleep area.
• Never leave child unattended.
To help prevent falls, do not use this product when the infant begins to push up on hands and
knees or has reached 5 months of age, whichever comes first. Always check that the bassinet is
securely locked on the base/stand by pulling upwards on the bassinet bed.
• In gaps between extra padding and side of the bassinet/cradle/crib and
• On soft bedding.
• Use only the pad provided by manufacturer. NEVER add a pillow, comforter, or another mattress
for padding.
• NEVER place additional objects in the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper.
• ALWAYS ensure the pad is positioned correctly. Do not create any pockets between the pad and
mesh sides.
• To reduce the risk of SIDS, pediatricians recommend healthy infants be placed on their backs to
sleep, unless otherwise advised by your physician.
• If a sheet is used with the pad, use only the one provided by the bassinet, crib or cradle
manufacturer or one specifically designed to fit the dimension of the bassinest, crib or cradle mattress.
Never use plastic shipping bags or other plastic film as a mattress cover not sold or intended for that
purpose. They can cause suocation.
• Discard all plastic packing materials immediately after opening.
Product is designed and is approved for use with one baby only. Do not use with more than one child at a time.
Strings can cause strangulation! DO NOT place items with a string around a child’s neck, such as hood
strings or pacifier cords. DO NOT suspend strings over a bassinet/crib/cradle or attach strings to toys.
• DO NOT place the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper near a window or patio door where cords from blinds
or drapes can strangle an infant.
• Never place more than one infant to sleep in the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper.
• Never carry the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper with an infant in it.
• Never use the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper when infant sleep area is separated from its base.
Young children should not be allowed to play unsupervised in the vicinity of the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper.
• Always remove child from the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper before adjusting height.
• Always ensure that the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper sleeping area is secure to its base before use.
• The Bassinest Swivel Sleeper should be placed on a horizontal floor.
• Not for use in an automobile.
• Be aware of the risk of open fires and other sources of strong heat, such as electric bar fires, gas
fires, etc. in the near vicinity of the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper.
• Do not place anything in the Bassinest Swivel Sleeper to elevate the mattress. The American
Academy of Pediatrics states that elevation can result in the infant sliding to the foot of the crib
into a position that might compromise respiration and is therefore not recommended.
Conforms to the General Safety Requirement of the General Product (Safety) Regulations 2005
SI No 1803 in the United Kingdom.
22991 Bassinest Owners Manual_US.indd 2 8/1/17 8:34 AM
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

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Marque Halo
Modèle Bassinest Essentia 3846
Catégorie Lits bébé
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.9 MB

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Foire aux questions sur Halo Bassinest Essentia 3846 Lit bébé

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Jusqu’à quel âge mon enfant peut-il rester dans un lit d’enfant ? Vérifié

Cela dépend de la taille de l’enfant. Le lit est assez grand s’il y a encore 20 cm de place dans le sens de la longueur.

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Mode d’emploi Halo Bassinest Essentia 3846 Lit bébé

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