Mode d’emploi Honeywell HFD230B QuietClean Purificateur d'air

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Mode d’emploi


4 5
The ifD
filter should be cleaned approximately every 3 months.
Turn the power off and unplug the air purifier.
After removing the ifD
filter from the air purifier,
follow the steps below to clean the ifD
• Rinse the filter with clean tap water (Fig. 7)
• If the filter still appears dirty, proceed to “Washing,”otherwise
proceed to "Drying."
Remove the ifD
filters from the unit.
Fill a sink with lukewarm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap.
Gently swish the filters in the soap solution to clean.
Soak the filters for 2-3 minutes. Do not leave for an extended period of time.
Rinse the filters with clean tap water (Fig. 7) and proceed to "Drying."
CAUTION: Turn off the air cleaner and wait 60 seconds before removing the grille
to clean filters.
The ifD
filter is supplied within the air cleaner.
• Turn-off the air cleaner. Wait 60 seconds and unplug the unit before removing the grille.
• Press down on the tab on the rear grille, and pull the grille down and toward you.
Remove the grille (Fig. 6).
• With one hand, hold the air purifier steady and use other hand to grasp ifD
filter and
pull out. Repeat for second filter.
• To place the ifD
filter back into the air cleaner housing, insert at bottom and ensure it
is pushed in as far as it can go, then push in from the top. Repeat with second filter.
Fig. 6
Check Filters Button – When it is time to check and clean the filters, an indicator
light will illuminate. When this light comes on, you will need to clean the primary
filter and clean or replace the pre-filter. (See Filter Cleaning instructions on
pages 4-5). It is recommended that you periodically check the filters.
Depending on operating conditions, the filters should be cleaned every 3 months.
If you have chosen to use the Odor & VOC Reducing
Pre-filter, it is not washable
and should be replaced after 3 months. After you have cleaned or replaced the
filters, you will need to RESET the Electronic Filter Check.
To RESET the Electronic Filter Check:
After the ifD
filters and pre-filter have been cleaned/replaced and re-installed in the unit, plug the unit
into the power outlet with the unit remaining in POWER OFF mode, press and hold the CHECK FILTERS
button (see Fig. 5) for 3 seconds. The CHECK FILTERS LED will flash twice indicating the filter check
has been reset. The LED will no longer be illuminated.
The intervals are intended as guidelines only. Performance of any filter media is dependent upon the
concentration of contaminants going through the system. High concentrations of contaminants such as
dust, pet dander and smoke particles will reduce the useful performance of the filter and they may need
to be cleaned more frequently.
Shake the filters to remove any excess water.
Place the filters with the honeycomb side down on a plush towel.
Note that the filters may still be discolored even after washing.
This is acceptable and will not affect performance.
Allow the ifD
filters to dry for a few hours or overnight.
When the ifD
filters are completely dry, place back into the air purifier.
Never place wet ifD
filters in your air purifier.
The ifD
filters are NOT dishwasher safe. Do not place the ifD
filters in a dishwasher or subject them
to other extreme hot water conditions.
Do not use any solvents, strong cleaning agents or flammable liquids to clean the ifD
The pre-filter helps capture large airborne particles that
enter the rear grille. This pre-filter can be periodically
removed and shaken to clean it. Alternatively, it can be
rinsed by hand under warm water (Fig. 8). Let the
pre-filter air dry completely before inserting back into
the grille (Fig. 9). If you need to replace this item, please
call 1-800-477-0457.
OPTIONAL: Changing the Odor Adsorbing Pre-Filter
If you choose to use the odor adsorbing
pre-filter that came with your air
purifier, it will lose its effectiveness for odor adsorption over time and will
need to be replaced.
To purchase additional
pre-filter, see Accessories and Replacent Filters
section below.
To install it in the unit, simply place it securely into the rear grille held in place
with plastic tabs in lieu of the standard pre-filter as shown in Fig. 9.
If using the odor adsorbing pre-filter, it is recommended that you store the
original washable pre-filter in the event that you decide to use it in the future.
NOTE: The odor adsorbing pre-filter is not washable.
Fig. 8
We recommend that you clean the air purifier at least every 3 months and before extended storage. Use
only a dry cloth to wipe the external surfaces of the air purifier. DO NOT USE WATER, WAX POLISH, OR
Fig. 5
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 4.99 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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Marque Honeywell
Modèle HFD230B QuietClean
Catégorie Purificateurs d'air
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 4.99 MB

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Un purificateur d'air élimine-t-il également la poussière ordinaire de l'air ? Vérifié

Oui, les purificateurs d'air éliminent également la poussière de l'air qui devrait autrement être éliminée par dépoussiérage et nettoyage. Cela dépend du purificateur d'air jusqu'à quelle taille de poussière peut être éliminée de l'air.

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Mode d’emploi Honeywell HFD230B QuietClean Purificateur d'air

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