Mode d’emploi Hudora 28244 Roller

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Mode d’emploi


1. Roller | 2. Spacer | 3. Ball Bearing | 4. Axle Winding | 5. Axle Screw
Wheels and bearings are available as accessories and can be changed independent of each other if they
wear out or get damaged. While changing the wheels, keep in mind that bearing needs to be removed from
the old wheels and attached to the new ones. Refer to Illustration 1 for better understanding and remem-
ber to properly fasten the axle screw and secure with locking varnish. Your inline skates have precision
bearings that have been filled with lubricant under high pressure at the production plant. This is why your
skates move easily and quickly with just a little pressure while skating. Like the wheels, the bearings also
need to be replaced when they stop working properly. However, never dismantle them!
To adjust the size, loosen the lacing and powerstrap and release the adjustment lever on the heel of the
shoe. Push the lever backwards. Now you can adjust the size by turning the lever until you have set it to the
right size. Shoe sizes are indicated where the front end of the sole meets the wheel mounting. After adjust-
ing the skate, don’t forget to fasten the lever once again until you hear it click into place. (Only for 28244-49:
Replace the soles according to the set size to improve the fit). Then check the correct fit. The firm fit of the
skate on the foot should be checked regularly.
6. Heel Brake Block | 7. Heel Brake
Frequent braking or complete braking wear out the stoppers. If the stopper has lowered from its position,
it needs to be replaced. Loosen the stopper from the stopper holder with the key and remove it. Position the
new stopper carefully and retighten the Allen screw. The free space between the lower edge of the stopper
and the skating surface must be between 7-17 mm. As far as possible, let an experienced person replace the
Use a dry or damp cloth only to clean the product; do not use special cleaning agents! Check the product for
damage or traces of wear and tear before and after each use. Do not make any structural changes. For your
own safety, please use original spare parts only. These can be sourced from HUDORA. If parts become dam-
aged or if sharp edges or corners should develop, the product may not be used any more. If in any doubt,
please contact our service team ( Store the product in a safe place where it is pro-
tected from the elements, cannot be damaged, and cannot injure anyone.
At the end of the products life, please dispose of it at an appropriate collection point provided in your area.
Local waste management companies will be able to answer your questions on this.
We make every effort to deliver faultless products. If faults do arise however, we put just as much effort into
rectifying them. Therefore, you can find numerous information on the product, replacement parts, solu-
tions to problems and lost assembly manuals at
Please read these instructions carefully. The instructions are an integral component of the product. There-
fore, please store them and the packaging carefully in case questions arise in the future. Please always in-
clude these instructions when handing on the product to a third party. This product must be assembled by
an adult. This product is designed for private/domestic use only. This product is not designed for commer-
cial/industrial use. The use of the product requires certain capabilities and skills. Always adjust according to
the age of the user and use for the purpose it has been designed for.
Item: Leisure inline skates Mia / Leon | Mia 2.0 / Leon 2.0
Item numbers: 28132, 28133 / 28232, 28241 | 28244 / 28247
Sizes 29-32, 64 x 22 mm, ABEC 5
Class B: Inline skates designed for users with 20 to 60 kg weight
and a foot length up to 260mm.
28134, 28136 / 28236, 28242 | 28245 / 28248
Sizes 33-36, 70 x 22 mm, ABEC 5
Class B: Inline skates designed for users with 20 to 60 kg weight
and a foot length up to 260mm.
28137, 28140 / 28240, 28243 | 28246 / 28249
Sizes 37-40, 76 x 22 mm, ABEC 5
Class A: Inline skates designed for users with 20 to 100 kg weight.
Purpose: Inline skates for recreational sports.
If you have trouble getting the product ready for use or need additional product information, please visit
our website, where you will find answers to all of your questions.
1 Pair of adjustable inline skates
1 Spare stopper
3 pairs of extra soles in storage bag (only for 28244-49)
1 Usage instructions
Other parts which may be included with the delivery in some circumstances are not required.
WARNING! Always use complete safety gear, since like many comparable sports, inline skating is a sport
with relatively high risk of injury. Always wear a hand and wrist guard, knee and elbow pads and reflecting
clothes and a helmet while skating. However, please remember that wearing complete safety gear cannot
guarantee 100% protection. HUDORA also provides protectors, helmets and reflecting products. For more
information, visit our
Use the skates only on suitable surfaces that are smooth, clean, dry and as free from traffic as possible. Al-
ways give due consideration to other traffic and remember that there are restrictions for inline skaters in
the Road Traffic Ordinance. Do not make any changes in the inline skates that may compromise safety. The
self-locking effect of self-securing nuts and axles can reduce due to frequent loosening and tightening of
the connecting links. Remove sharp edges resulting from usage immediately. Regular inspections, mainte-
nance, and servicing increase the safety and life of your skates. Before you begin, always check that all
connecting links and locking pieces are properly fastened and whether the stopper still has enough mate-
rial and has not worn out!
Every beginning is difficult and the most accidents take place for the ‘beginners’ within the first ten min-
utes. Be very careful during this phase! Take a few steps with toes pointing forwards because this how you
will push off from the ground. Balance on one foot. Better skills at doing this will make skating and braking
easier later. Be careful – inline skates can reach unexpected speeds. Now practise on clean, level tarmac.
Stand straight on your skates with your feet parallel and about six inches apart. Slowly raise your arms
forward and bend your knees till your shin is in contact with the boot. Let your body weight pass through
the balls of your feet. Beginners often mistakenly stand straight, keeping knees too stiff and putting their
weight on the heels. Avoid all streets that are steep, have traffic on them or have difficult surfaces. Select
the difficulty of the roads and surfaces according to your level of expertise. Moisture, sand and dirt damage
the wheels and bearings. The next step to learn is turning. Get comfortable with the feel of the edge by
tilting the skates outwards and inwards while you are still standing. Use your hip and knees to do this. Now
try to do this while you are skating. You will experience a greater pressure on the inside of your foot while
turning, which is why you must always lean a little inwards.
Learn how to brake. If you want to stand you can just roll to a halt. Pros also do that. You can of course brake
with stoppers as well: lift your right foot’s toes slightly so that the stopper touches the ground at the back.
The more pressure you put, the quicker you will decrease the speed. Avoid full brakes because then you may
not have complete control. Always skate with foresight!
All images are examples of the design.
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Hudora 28244 Roller. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Hudora. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Hudora 28244 Roller dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Hudora
Modèle 28244
Catégorie Rollers
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.79 MB

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