Mode d’emploi Maytag MGC4436BDB Table de cuisson

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Mode d’emploi


Save These Instructions for Future Reference
A faint gas odor may indicate a gas leak. If a
gas odor is detected, shut off the gas supply
to the cooktop. Call your installer or local gas
company to have the possible leak checked.
Never use a match or other flame to locate a
gas leak.
In Case of Fire
Turn off appliance and ventilating hood to
avoid spreading the flame. Extinguish flame
then turn on hood to remove smoke and
Smother fire or flame in a pan with a lid
or cookie sheet.
NEVER pick up or move a flaming pan.
Do not use water on grease fires. Use baking
soda, a dry chemical or foam-type extin-
guisher to smother fire or flame.
NEVER leave children alone or unsupervised
near the appliance when it is in use or is still
NEVER allow children to sit or stand on any
part of the appliance as they could be injured
or burned.
Children must be taught that the appliance
and utensils on it can be hot. Let hot utensils
cool in a safe place, out of reach of small
children. Children should be taught that an
appliance is not a toy. Children should not be
allowed to play with controls or other parts of
the unit.
NEVER store items of interest to chil-
dren in cabinets above an appliance.
Children climbing on the appliance to
reach items could be seriously injured.
Child Safety
NEVER heat an unopened container on the
surface burner. Pressure build-up may cause
container to burst resulting in serious per-
sonal injury or damage to the appliance.
Use dry, sturdy potholders. Damp potholders
may cause burns from steam. Dishtowels or
other substitutes should never be used as
potholders because they can trail across hot
surface burners and ignite or get caught on
appliance parts.
Always let quantities of hot fat used for deep
fat frying cool before attempting to move or
Do not let cooking grease or other flammable
materials accumulate in or near the appli-
ance, hood or vent fan. Clean hood frequently
to prevent grease from accumulating on hood
or filter. When flaming foods under the hood
turn the fan on.
NEVER wear garments made of flammable
material or loose fitting or long-sleeved ap-
parel while cooking. Clothing may ignite or
catch utensil handles.
Utensil Safety
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that
are easily grasped and stay cool. Avoid using
unstable, warped, easily tipped or loose-
handled pans. Also avoid using pans, espe-
cially small pans, with heavy handles as they
could be unstable and easily tip. Pans that are
heavy to move when filled with food may
also be hazardous.
Be sure utensil is large enough to properly
contain food and avoid boilovers. Pan size is
particularly important in deep fat frying. Be
sure pan will accommodate the volume of
food that is to be added as well as the bubble
action of fat.
To minimize burns, ignition of flammable
materials and spillage due to unintentional
contact with the utensil, do not extend handles
over adjacent surface burners. Always turn
pan handles toward the side or back of the
appliance, not out into the room where they
are easily hit or reached by small children.
Never let a pan boil dry as this could damage
the utensil and the appliance.
About Your
Do not use the cooktop as a storage area for
food or cooking utensils.
Potentially hot surfaces include cooktop, and
areas facing the cooktop.
NEVER use this appliance as a space
heater to heat or warm a room. Doing so
may result in carbon monoxide poison-
ing and overheating of the oven.
NEVER cover any slots, holes or pas-
sages with materials such as aluminum
foil. Doing so blocks air flow and may
cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Alu-
minum foil may also trap heat causing a
fire hazard.
NEVER obstruct the flow of combustion
and ventilation air by blocking the oven
vent or air intakes. Doing so restricts air
to the burners and may result in carbon
monoxide poisoning.
Cooking Safety
Always place a pan on a surface burner be-
fore turning it on. Be sure you know which
knob controls which surface burner. Make
sure the correct burner is turned on and that
the burner has ignited. When cooking is com-
pleted, turn burner off before removing pan
to prevent exposure to burner flame.
Always adjust surface burner flame so that it
does not extend beyond the bottom edge of
the pan. An excessive flame is hazardous,
wastes energy and may damage the appli-
ance, pan or cabinets above the appliance.
NEVER leave a surface cooking operation
unattended especially when using a high
heat setting or when deep fat frying. Boilovers
cause smoking and greasy spillovers may
ignite. Clean up greasy spills as soon as pos-
sible. Do not use high heat for extended
cooking operations.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.97 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Maytag MGC4436BDB Table de cuisson. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Maytag. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Maytag MGC4436BDB Table de cuisson dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Maytag
Modèle MGC4436BDB
Catégorie Tables de cuisson
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.97 MB

Tous les modes d’emploi pour Maytag Tables de cuisson
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Foire aux questions sur Maytag MGC4436BDB Table de cuisson

Notre équipe d’assistance recherche des informations utiles sur les produits et des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées. Si vous trouvez une inexactitude dans notre foire aux questions, veuillez nous le faire savoir en utilisant notre formulaire de contact.

Quelles sont les casseroles qui peuvent être utilisées sur une table de cuisson à induction ? Vérifié

En général toutes les casseroles qui sont magnétiques peuvent être utilisées sur une table de cuisson à induction. Presque toutes les nouvelles casseroles sont adaptées à l'induction.

Cela a été utile (1380) En savoir plus

Ma plaque de cuisson est équipée d’une fiche secteur qui ne s’adapte pas à une prise de courant ordinaire, que dois-je faire ? Vérifié

De nombreuses tables de cuisson électriques (en céramique et à induction) ont une fiche différente. C’est parce que ces appareils nécessitent beaucoup d’énergie. Faites faire l’installation de l’appareil par un professionnel.

Cela a été utile (1307) En savoir plus

Pourquoi l’allumage de ma cuisinière émet-il un cliquetis ? Vérifié

Si la cuisinière a été nettoyée abondamment avec de l’eau, les boutons peuvent avoir été mouillés, déclenchant l’allumage. Laissez les boutons sécher. Si le problème persiste, vous devez contacter le fabricant.

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Mode d’emploi Maytag MGC4436BDB Table de cuisson

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