Mode d’emploi McCulloch GB322 Souffleur

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Mode d’emploi


The initial language of this operator’s manual is English.
Operator’s manuals in other languages are translations
from English.
See Picture 15
A. Stop Switch
B. Throttle Trigger
C. Air Filter Cover
D. Starter Rope Handle
E. Fuel Tank
F. Choke Lever
G. Fuel Cap
H. Primer Bulb
J. Idle Speed Adjustment Screw
K. Operator’s Manual
This unit can be dangerous! Careless or improper use
can cause serious injury. (Picture 1)
Please read the operator’s manual carefully and make
sure you understand the instructions before using the
machine. (Picture 2)
Always wear eye protection and hearing protection.
(Picture 3)
Always wear face or dust mask if operation is dusty.
(Picture 3)
Always wear heavy, long pants, long sleeves, boots, and
gloves. (Picture 4)
The blower operator must ensure that no people or
animals come closer than 15 metres. (Picture 5)
Secure hair above shoulder length. (Picture 6)
Do not wear jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing with
loose hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc. They can be
caught in moving parts. (Picture 7)
The blower can forcibly throw objects that can bounce
back. This can result in serious eye injuries if the
recommended safety equipment is not used. (Picture 8)
Sound power level (Picture 9)
Noise level (Picture 10)
The product agrees with the applicable EC directives
(Picture 11)
The product agrees with the applicable EAC directives
(Picture 12)
The product agrees with the applicable Ukraine
directives (Picture 13)
The product agrees with the Australian electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) regulations (Picture 14)
Note: Other symbols/decals on the product refer to
As referred to in the product liability laws, we are not liable
for damages that our product causes if:
the product is incorrectly repaired.
the product is repaired with parts that are not from the
manufacturer or not approved by the manufacturer.
the product has an accessory that are not from the
manufacturer or not approved by the manufacturer.
the product is not repaired at an approved service center
or by an approved authority.
warnings and safety instructions in this manual
must be followed to provide reasonable safety
is responsible for following the warnings and
Read your instruction manual carefully until you
completely understand and can follow all warnings and
safety rules before operating the unit.
Restrict the use of this unit to persons who read,
understand, and follow instructions and warnings on unit
and in manual.
Use your unit as a blower for:
Sweeping debris or grass clippings from driveways,
sidewalks, patios, etc.
Blowing grass clippings, straw, or leaves into piles,
around joints, or between bricks.
Remove all debris and hard objects such as
thrown, or otherwise cause injury or damage
Always wear eye protection when operating, servicing,
or performing maintenance on unit. Wearing eye
protection will help to prevent rocks or debris from being
blown or ricocheting into eyes and face which can result
in blindness and/or serious injury.
Wear hearing protection when using this unit.
Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure or remove
jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing with loosely hanging
straps, ties, tassels, etc. They can be caught in moving
Stay alert. Do not operate unit when you are tired, ill,
or medication.
Always wear foot protection. Do not go barefoot or wear
Always wear respirator or face mask when working with
unit in dusty environments.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals away from work
area a minimum of 15 metres when starting or operating
unit. Do not point blower nozzle in the direction of people
or pets.
the areas where fuel is mixed, poured, or stored.
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area; store fuel in a cool,
dry, well ventilated place; use an approved, marked
container for all fuel purposes.
Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the
Make sure the unit is properly assembled and in good
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 1.34 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos McCulloch GB322 Souffleur. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter McCulloch. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre McCulloch GB322 Souffleur dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque McCulloch
Modèle GB322
Catégorie Souffleurs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.34 MB

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Mode d’emploi McCulloch GB322 Souffleur

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