Mode d’emploi Mellerware 29801A Seattle Cafetière

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Mode d’emploi


2.1.21. The appliance is not suitable for outdoor
2.1.22. Power cord should be regularly examined
for signs of damage, and if the cord is damaged, the
appliance must not be used.
2.1.23. Do not touch the plug with wet hands.
2.2. Personal safety
2.2.1. Caution: Do not leave the appliance unat-
tended during use as there is a risk of an accident.
2.2.2. Do not touch the heated parts of the appli-
ance, as it may cause serious burns.
2.2.3. This appliance is only for domestic use, not
for industrial or professional use. It is not intended
to be used by guests in hospitality environments
such as bed and breakfast, hotels, motels, and
other types of commercial environments, even in
farmhouses, areas of the kitchen staff in shops,
offices and other work environments.
2.2.4. This appliance is not intended for use by
persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience
and knowledge, unless they have been given super-
vision or instruction concerning use of the appliance
by a person responsible for their safety.
2.2.5. This appliance is not a toy. Children should be
supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
2.3. Use and care:
2.3.1. Fully unroll the appliance’s power cable
before each use.
2.3.2. Do not use the appliance if the parts or ac-
cessories are not properly fitted.
2.3.3. Do not use the appliance when empty.
2.3.4. Do not turn the appliance over while it is in
use or connected to the mains power supply.
2.3.5. Unplug the appliance from the mains power
supply when not in use and before undertaking any
cleaning task.
2.3.6. This appliance should be stored out of reach
of children.
2.3.7. Do not store the appliance if it is still hot.
2.3.8. Never leave the appliance unattended when in
use and keep out of the reach of children.
2.3.9. If, for some reason, the appliance was to
catch fire, disconnect the appliance from the mains
power supply and DO NOT USE WATER TO PUT
2.3.10. Use only cold water to fill the water tank.
2.3.11. Ensure the glass carafe is properly fitted into
the coffee maker housing before brewing coffee.
2.3.12. Between brewing processes, allow 5
minutes for the appliance to cool down. Then refill
with cold water.
2.4. Service:
2.4.1. Make sure that the appliance is serviced only
by suitably qualified technician, and that only origi-
nal spare parts or accessories are used to replace
existing parts/accessories.
2.4.2. If the power cord is damaged, the manu-
facturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified
person must replace it in order to avoid a hazard.
2.4.3. Any misuse or failure to follow the instruc-
tions for use renders the guarantee and the manu-
facturer’s liability null and void.
3. Instructions for use
3.1. Before use:
3.1.1. Remove the appliance’s protective film (if
3.1.2. Before using the product for the first time,
clean the parts that will encounter water in the man-
ner described in the cleaning section.
3.1.3. Before making coffee, you should use the
coffee maker once with just water inside.
3.2. Use and care:
3.2.1. You must fill the water tank before turning on
the appliance.
3.2.2. Open the coffee maker lid.
3.2.3. Fill the water deposit, taking care to observe
the MAX mark, fill depending on how many cups of
coffee you wish to make.
3.2.4. Remove the permanent filter from the filter
holder funnel.
3.2.5. Fill the removable permanent filter with
ground drip filter coffee. Approximately 67 grams of
coffee powder per cup required. Or as your coffee
packaging instructs. You can use the coffee spoon
for this.
3.2.6. Make sure that the removable permanent filter
is correctly placed inside the filter holder funnel.
3.2.7. Close the coffee maker lid.
3.2.8. Place the coffee jug onto the keep warm
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Marque Mellerware
Modèle 29801A Seattle
Catégorie Cafetières
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.07 MB

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Qu’est-ce que la mouture dit à propos du café ? Vérifié

Le type de mouture détermine fortement le goût du café. Une mouture plus fine signifie généralement un goût plus fort et une mouture plus grossière signifie un goût plus doux. Une mouture très fine peut donner un café amer.

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Quelle est la meilleure façon pour conserver du café ? Vérifié

Le café se conserve de préférence dans une boîte propre et hermétiquement fermée.

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Mode d’emploi Mellerware 29801A Seattle Cafetière

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