Mode d’emploi Milwaukee 2758-22 Visseuse à choc

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Mode d’emploi


To reduce the risk of injury, wear
safety goggles or glasses with side
Using the Control Switch
The control switch may be set to three positions:
forward, reverse and lock. Due to a lockout mecha-
nism, the control switch can only be adjusted when
the ON/OFF switch is not pressed. Always allow the
motor to come to a complete stop before using the
control switch.
For forward (clockwise) rotation,
push the control switch in the
direction shown. Check the di-
rection of rotation before use.
For reverse (counterclockwise)
rotation, push the control switch
in the direction shown. Check the
direction of rotation before use.
To lock the trigger, push the control switch to the
center position. The trigger will not work when the
control switch is in the locked position.
Always remove the battery pack before performing
maintenance, changing accessories, storing the tool
and any time the tool is not in use.
Selecting Mode
Allow the tool to come to a complete stop before
changing modes. Press the selector button
cycle between the settings.Select wireless
change the default settings via the ONE-KEY App
on your smart device.
Default Max RPM
Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Setting 4
2757-20 850 1 500 2 100 3 000
900 1 400 1 900 2 500
Starting, Stopping and Controlling Speed
These tools may be operated at any speed from 0
to full speed.
1. To start the tool, pull the trigger.
NOTE: An LED is turned on when the trigger is
2. To vary the driving speed, increase or decrease
pressure on the trigger. The further the trigger is
pulled, the greater the speed, up to the maximum
speed set by the speed control.
3. To stop the tool, release the trigger and the electric
brake stops the tool instantly.
Impacting Techniques
The longer a bolt, screw, or nut is impacted, the
tighter it will become. To help prevent damaging the
fasteners or workpieces, avoid excessive impact-
ing. Be particularly careful when impacting smaller
fasteners because they require less impacting to
reach optimum torque.
Practice with various fasteners, noting the length of
time required to reach the desired torque. Check the
tightness with a hand-torque wrench. If the fasteners
are too tight, reduce the impacting time. If they are
not tight enough, increase the impacting time.
Oil, dirt, rust or other matter on the threads or under
the head of the fastener affects the degree of tight-
Recharge only with the charger
specied for the battery. For spe-
cic charging instructions, read the operators
manual supplied with your charger and battery.
Removing/Inserting the Battery
To remove the battery, push in the release buttons
and pull the battery pack away from the tool.
Always remove battery pack before
changing or removing accessories.
To insert the battery, slide the pack into the body
of the tool. Make sure it latches securely into place.
Only use accessories specically
recommended for this tool. Others
may be hazardous.
Use only sockets and other accessories speci-
cally designed for use on impact wrenches and
drivers. Other sockets and accessories might
shatter or break causing injury.
Attaching and Removing Accessories
1/4" Hex Impact Driver (Cat. No. 2757-20)
This impact driver is intended for use with
drill and driver bits.
1. To attach an accessory, press the shank
into the hex drive chuck.
2. To remove the accessory, pull out the
ring and remove the accessory. Re-
lease the ring.
Square Drive Impact Wrenches
(Cat. No. 2758-20, 2759B-20)
1. Use only the appropriate size Square
Drive Sockets.
2. To attach a socket, align the accessory with the
anvil and push it rmly over the retaining ring.
3. To remove the accessory, pull the accessory off
the anvil.
Square Drive Impact Wrench with Pin Detent
(Cat. No. 2759-20)
1. Use only the appropriate size Square Drive
2. To attach a socket, align the hole in the accessory
with the detent pin on the anvil. Hold the detent
pin in while pushing the socket onto the anvil.
The detent pin will snap into place in the hole to
secure the socket.
3. To remove the socket, insert a nail or other thin
object into the hole in the accessory and press
in the detent pin. Pull the accessory off the anvil.
To learn more about the ONE-KEY functionality for
this tool, please reference the Quick Start guide in-
cluded with this product or go to
One-Key. To download the ONE-KEY app, visit the
App Store or Google Play from your smart device.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 3.46 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Milwaukee 2758-22 Visseuse à choc. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Milwaukee. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Milwaukee 2758-22 Visseuse à choc dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Milwaukee
Modèle 2758-22
Catégorie Visseuses à chocs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 3.46 MB

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Puis-je ranger des outils électriques dans un hangar ou un garage ? Vérifié

En général, vous pouvez ranger les outils électriques dans un cabanon ou un garage, même s'il y gèle parfois. Cependant, pour préserver la durée de vie de l'outil électrique, il est préférable de le stocker dans un endroit sec et sans variations de température importantes. Dans une remise ou un garage, les différences de température peuvent provoquer la formation de condensation, ce qui peut provoquer de la rouille. De plus, les outils fonctionnant sur piles durent moins longtemps et se chargent moins bien à des températures très basses. Pour être sûr de la manière dont votre outil électrique doit être stocké, lisez toujours attentivement le manuel d'utilisation.

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Mode d’emploi Milwaukee 2758-22 Visseuse à choc

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