Mode d’emploi Oregon PE 326CA Podomètre

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Mode d’emploi


1. Press DIST until the stride length is viewed on the top line
of the display.
2. Insert a thin blunt object into HR / + to increase or MIN
/ - to decrease stride length (30 to 150 cm or 11 to 60
If no changes are made to the Stride function, the unit
automatically returns to clock display after 5 seconds.
NOTE Individual stride-length varies. Input an appropriate
length for an average stride. To determine length of stride
walk 10 paces and divide distance traveled by 10.
Precise calories burned calculations require taking many
factors into account. The PE326CA uses body weight and
the number of steps taken to give a good estimate.
1. Press CALO until the body weight is viewed on the top
line of the display.
2. Insert a thin blunt object into HR / + or MIN / - to increase
or decrease body weight setting (65 to 340 lbs or 30 to
150 kg)*.
The unit automatically returns to clock display after 5
Follow these important procedures to adjust the Motion
Sensitivity and ensure accurate readings:
1. Correctly position and attach the unit to a belt or
2. Reset step counter to zero.
3. Walk at a normal pace; take at least 100 steps.
4. Adjust sensitivity switch if walking speed changes.
Repeat steps 2-4 until accurate reading is obtained.
The following conditions may cause incorrect reading
of steps taken:
1. Uneven walking pace, such as walking in crowded areas
2. Frequent up and down movements, such as standing up
and/or sitting down; running, jumping, going up and down
stairs etc.
Press CALO when the unit is in clock/calorie display or press
DIST when it’s in clock/distance display.
Press DIST when the unit is in clock/calorie display.
Press CALO when the unit is in clock/distance display.
To reset the values, press RESET in any clock display.
NOTE The total distance and calories burned will be cleared
along with the total steps.
           
walk 10,000 steps to burn approximately 300 calories. The
following diagram will give you some basic reference to the
calorie consumption for people of various weights.
This product is designed to give you years of service if
handled properly. Observe the following guidelines:
Clean the unit with a slightly damp cloth and mild
Never immerse the unit in water. This can cause electrical
shock and damage the unit.
Do not subject the main unit to extreme force, shock, or
Do not tamper with the internal components. Doing so
will terminate the unit’s warranty and may cause damage.
The unit contains no user-serviceable parts.
Do not mix new and old batteries or batteries of different
Do not use rechargeable batteries with this product.
Remove the batteries if storing this product for a long
period of time.
Do not scratch the LCD.
Read this instruction manual thoroughly before operating
the unit.
Do not dispose this product as unsorted municipal waste.
Collection of such waste separately for special treatment
is necessary.
are subject to change without further notice. Images not
drawn to scale. The manufacturer and its suppliers hold no
responsibility to you or any other person for any damage
         
using this product.
Step counter 0 to 99,999 steps
Distance traveled 0 to 999.99 km
(0 to 999.99 miles)*
Stride distance 30 to 150 cm
(11 to 60 inches)*
Calorie display 0.1 to 9999.9 kcal
Body weight range 30 to 150 kg
(65 lbs to 340 lbs)*
Operating temp -10 to 40 °C (14 to 104 °F)
Storage temp -20 to 60 °C (-4 to 140 °F)
Batteries 2 x LR43 1.5V
Battery life 1 year
Product size 64 x 30 x 40 mm
(L x W x H) (2.52 x 1.18 x 1.58 inches)
Weight 29.4 g (1.04 ounces)
NOTE *Imperial units of measure are used on US models
only and metric units of measure are used on EU / UK
models only.
Visit our website () to learn more
       
MP3 players; children’s electronic learning products and
stations; and digital and conference phones. The website
also includes contact information for our Customer Care
department in case you need to reach us, as well as
frequently asked questions and customer downloads.
     
website, however if you’re in the US and would like to contact
    
please visit:
Call 1-800-853-8883.
For international inquiries, please visit:
Hereby,  , declares that this Pedometer
with Calorie Counter (model PE326CA) is in compliance with
EMC directive 89/336/CE. A copy of the signed and dated
Declaration of Conformity is available on request via our
Pedometer with Calorie Counter
Model: PE326CA
   
Keep this manual handy as you use your new product. It
contains practical step-by-step instructions as well as
      
1. COVER RELEASE: Press to open protective cover
2. Battery compartment
1. CALO: Calorie measurement and weight display mode
2. DIST: Total distance and stride length display mode
: Turns backlight on
4. Motion Sensitivity Switch: Increases or decreases unit
5. RESET: Resets display mode values to zero
6. HR / +: Changes clock hour digits; increases personal
weight and stride length values
7. MIN / -: Changes clock minute digits; decreases personal
weight and stride length values
8. Belt clip
1. PM for 12 hour format
2. Stride in Cm or Inches*
3. Weight in Kg / Lbs*
4. Distance in Km or Mile*
5. Displays when calories are shown
NOTE *Imperial units of measure are used on US models
only and metric units of measure are used on EU / UK
models only.
Before using the device, pull out the insulation tape
underneath the battery cover.
NOTE The unit will not work until the tape is pulled out.
To change the batteries:
1. Gently press and pull the battery compartment door.
2. Insert 2 x LR43 size 1.5V batteries or equivalent.
3. Replace the battery compartment door.
NOTE Protect the environment by taking exhausted
batteries to authorized disposal stations.
To open the cover:
Holding the pedometer upright, grasp the clip with one hand
and press the COVER RELEASE button with the other.
Insert a thin blunt object into HR / + or MIN / - to alter the
clock time.
NOTE The unit automatically returns to clock display after
5 seconds.
Total distance = steps taken x average step length. For
greater accuracy, it is recommended that a personal stride-
length is set.
If unit shows more
steps than actual
number of steps taken,
slide switch toward “-”.
If unit shows fewer
steps than actual
number of steps taken,
slide switch toward “+” .
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 1.89 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Oregon PE 326CA Podomètre. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Oregon. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Oregon PE 326CA Podomètre dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Oregon
Modèle PE 326CA
Catégorie Podomètres
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.89 MB

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Combien de pas est la quantité quotidienne recommandée pour les adultes ? Vérifié

Pour faire assez d’exercice, il est nécessaire de faire au moins 10 000 pas par jour. Pour les personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans, ce montant est de 8 000 pas.

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Mode d’emploi Oregon PE 326CA Podomètre

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