Mode d’emploi Petra BF3 Chauffe-biberon

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Mode d’emploi


The appliance cannot be switched off permanently
by the temperature control.
Therefore unplug always after use.
Do not immerse the baby food warmer in water.
In case of misuse, wrong handling or incorrect repair
no liability will be taken for possible damages. Claims
under guarantee are also excluded in such cases.
The appliance is not designed for commercial
Packaging material like foil bags are not designed
for children.
In case the cord of this appliance is damaged, it has to
be replacede by an authorised service agent of the
manufacturer or a person having similar qualifications.
Substantial dangers for the user can appear from inap-
propriate repairs.
Putting into operation
The appliance can be used for a convenient warming up
and keeping warm of feeding bottles and all standard
sized baby food jars with a diameter of up to 73mm.
Prior to use, roll up the not required cord at the botom of
the appliance and slide the pointed end of the lifter into
the groove in the upper edge of the appliance.
To warm up baby food jars, only push the lifter down until
the edge of the open glass is just over the appliance. For
feeding bottles, push the lifter right down to the bottom.
Then fill container with water up to 2 cm below the edge.
Comment: Sometimes, the jugs of some manufacturers of
baby food might jam when inserting into the appliance. The
often reason for this is an non-round jug. Please try to turn the
jug a bit - by this normally it fits in slightly.
Temperature control
The temperature of the water bath can be controlled by
the rotary switch. The warming up of the baby food
depends on the consistency and composition of the bott-
le or the glass.
For solid food choose a higher setting of the rotary
switch than for liquid food. Full bottles and jars also
require a higer setting than for less filled ones. When
practising the correct setting can be found quickly.
The control lamp shows that the device is heating.
It goes out as soon as the water reaches the set tempe-
rature. For taking out the food jars, push the lifter a bit
Shake the bottle well or stir the baby food well in order to
guarantee equally warm contents.
The right temperature should always be checked by
holding the baby bottle against the cheek or better
by tasting yourself.
If the food is to be kept warm for some time, the jar or
the bottle should be left in the container.
The thermostat guarantees a constant temperature by
switching on the heating time after time.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.25 MB)
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

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Marque Petra
Modèle BF3
Catégorie Chauffe-biberons
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.25 MB

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