Mode d’emploi Philips HS9380 Bouilloire

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Mode d’emploi


Descaling the kettle
Regular descaling prolongs the lifetime of the kettle.
In case of normal use (up to 5 times a day), the following descaling
frequency is recommended:
- Once every 6 months for areas with low water hardness.
- Once every 3 months for areas with average water hardness.
- Once every month for areas with high water hardness.
1 Fill the kettle with white vinegar (8% acetic acid) up to one quarter of
the MAX indication.
2 Add water to the MAX indication.
3 Press the green tea button to heat up the water to 80ºC and then
press the KEEP WARM button.
4 Empty the kettle after 30 minutes and rinse the inside thoroughly.
5 Repeat the descaling procedure if there is still some scale in the
Note: You can also use an appropriate descaler. In that case, follow the
instructions on the package of the descaler.
Note: If you take the kettle off the base before the descaling process is nished,
the appliance switches off automatically. You can also deactivate the descaling
process by pressing any of the preset buttons.
- To store the cord, wind it around the cord storage facility in the bottom
of the base (Fig. 2).
Ordering accessories
To purchase accessories for this appliance, please visit our online shop at If the online shop is not available in
your country, go to your Philips dealer or a Philips service centre. If you have
any difculties obtaining accessories for your appliance, please contact the
Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country. You nd its contact details in
the worldwide guarantee leaet.
- Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste
at the end of its life, but hand it in at an ofcial collection point for
recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment (Fig. 14).
Guarantee and service
If you need service or information or if you have a problem, please visit
the Philips website at or contact the Philips
Consumer Care Centre in your country. You nd its phone number in the
worldwide guarantee leaet. If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your
country, go to your local Philips dealer.
This chapter summarises the most common problems you could encounter
with the appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with the
information below, visit for a list of frequently
asked questions or contact the Consumer Care Centre in your country.
, When the water has reached the set temperature, you hear an
audible signal. The light ring around the selected button stops
pulsating and lights up continuously (Fig. 11).
Note: The audible signal is repeated as a reminder after 2 minutes.
Note: You can select a different type of hot drink by pressing a different preset
button while the kettle is operating. This is only possible if the temperature of
the water is still below the temperature of the newly pressed button.
Keeping water warm
You can use the keep-warm function to keep water warm for 30 minutes
at the temperatures of the different preset buttons (40°C, 80°C, 90°C or
Note: Only use the keep-warm function in combination with a preset button.
Only use the keep-warm function when there is at least 0.25l water in
the kettle. If there is too little water in the kettle, the kettle may switch
off before the 30 minutes have elapsed to protect the heating element.
Keeping water warm at a desired temperature
1 Press a preset button to set the desired temperature (see section
‘Heating up water with preset buttons’ in this chapter).
2 Press the KEEP WARM button (Fig. 12).
, When the kettle heats up the water to keep it at the selected
temperature, the light ring around the KEEP WARM button lights up
, When the water has reached the selected temperature, the light ring
around the KEEP WARM button slowly pulsates until the keep-warm
function is cancelled or switches off automatically after 30 minutes.
Note: If you press the KEEP WARM button before you press a preset button,
nothing happens. If you have just prepared hot water, you can press the same
preset button again and then press the KEEP WARM button.
3 The kettle keeps the water warm for 30 minutes.
, After 30 minutes, you hear an audible signal and the appliance
switches off automatically.
Note: You can stop the keep-warm process at any time. To do so, press the KEEP
WARM button again, press the selected preset button or remove the kettle
from the base.
Note: If you remove the kettle from the base, the set keep-warm temperature
is lost.
Note: If you press another preset button while the keep-warm function is
activated, the keep-warm function switches off and the kettle starts heating up
the water to the temperature of the preset button.
Note: If the keep-warm function has not been activated, the appliance switches
off automatically after 5 minutes of inactivity.
Cleaning and descaling
Always unplug the base before you clean it
Always remove the kettle from the base before you clean the kettle.
Never immerse the kettle or its base in water.
Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids
such as petrol or acetone to clean the appliance.
Cleaning the kettle and the base
1 Clean the outside of the kettle and the base with a soft cloth
moistened with warm water and some mild cleaning agent.
Caution: Do not let the moist cloth come into contact with the cord, the
plug and the connector of the base.
Cleaning the lter
Scale is not harmful to your health but it may give your drink a powdery
taste. The anti-scale lter prevents scale particles from ending up in your
Clean the single-action lter regularly in the following way:
1 Takethelteroutofthekettle(Fig.13).
2 Gentlycleanthelterwithasoftnylonbrush.
3 Slidethelterbackintothekettle.
Note: HD9385 only: The lter at the bottom of the kettle cannot be removed.
You can clean this lter by descaling the kettle, see section ‘Descaling the kettle’
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Marque Philips
Modèle HS9380
Catégorie Bouilloires
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 3.45 MB

Tous les modes d’emploi pour Philips Bouilloires
Plus de modes d’emploi de Bouilloires

Foire aux questions sur Philips HS9380 Bouilloire

Notre équipe d’assistance recherche des informations utiles sur les produits et des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées. Si vous trouvez une inexactitude dans notre foire aux questions, veuillez nous le faire savoir en utilisant notre formulaire de contact.

Quel est ce filtre dans ma bouilloire ? Vérifié

Il sert à retenir les morceaux de calcaire en vrac qui pourraient s’être accumulés au fil du temps

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La bouilloire ne finit pas et continue à bouillir, que dois-je faire ? Vérifié

Dans de nombreux cas, le couvercle de la bouilloire n’était pas correctement fermé. Si on laisse la chaleur s’échapper, la bouilloire continuera à bouillir. Si cela ne résout pas le problème, vous devez contacter le fabricant ou un mécanicien.

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Puis-je faire bouillir moins que la quantité minimale d’eau ? Vérifié

Non. Si vous faites bouillir une quantité d’eau inférieure à la quantité d’eau minimale, la sonde de température risque de ne pas fonctionner correctement. Cela pourrait empêcher la bouilloire de s’éteindre au point d’ébullition, ce qui pourrait entraîner des situations dangereuses.

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Est-il efficace de remplir une bouilloire avec de l’eau chaude provenant du robinet ? Vérifié

Non. Pour amener l’eau chaude au robinet, il est souvent nécessaire d’évacuer d’abord l’eau froide, qui sera gaspillée. En outre, les tuyaux rempliront la même quantité d’eau chaude qui ne sera pas utilisée et se refroidira, ce qui entraînera une perte d’énergie. C’est pourquoi il est préférable de remplir une bouilloire d’eau froide.

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Puis-je faire bouillir plus que la quantité maximale d’eau ? Vérifié

Non. Si vous faites bouillir une quantité d’eau qui dépasse la quantité maximale, la bouilloire risque de déborder. Cela peut entraîner des situations potentiellement dangereuses.

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À quelle fréquence dois-je détartrer ma bouilloire ? Vérifié

Philips recommande de détartrer votre bouilloire tous les trois mois en cas d'eau douce (jusqu'à 18 Dh) ou une fois par mois en cas d'eau dure (plus de 18 Dh).

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Mode d’emploi Philips HS9380 Bouilloire

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