Mode d’emploi Poulan PRB26 Souffleur

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Mode d’emploi


or ricocheting into eyes and face which can result in
blindness and/or serious injury. Eye protection should be
marked ANSI Z87.
Always wear foot protection. Do not go barefoot or wear
Always wear respirator or face mask when working with
unit in dusty environments.
Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure or remove
jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing with loosely hanging
straps, ties, tassels, etc. They can be caught in moving
Do not operate unit when you are tired, ill, upset, or if you
are under the inuence of alcohol, drugs, or medication.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals away from work
area a minimum of 15 meters (50 feet) when starting or
operating unit. Do not point blower nozzle in the direction
of people or pets.
Eliminate all sources of sparks or ame (including
smoking, open ames, or work that can cause sparks) in
the areas where fuel is mixed, poured, or stored.
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area; store fuel in a cool,
dry, well ventilated place; use an approved, marked
container for all fuel purposes.
Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the
Make sure the unit is properly assembled and in good
operating condition.
Do not ll fuel tank while engine is running.
Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up fuel spills before starting
Move at least 3 meters (10 feet) away from fuel and
fueling site before starting engine.
Always store gasoline in a container approved for
ammable liquids.
Inspect unit before each use for worn, loose, missing, or
damaged parts. Do not use until unit is in proper working
Keep outside surfaces free from oil and fuel.
Never start or run engine inside a closed room, building
or other unventilated area. Breathing exhaust fumes can
To avoid static electricity shock, do not wear rubber
gloves or any other insulated gloves while operating unit.
Do not set unit on any surface except a clean, hard area
while engine is running. Debris such as gravel, sand,
dust, grass, etc. could be picked up by the air intake
and thrown out through discharge opening, damaging
unit, property, or causing serious injury to bystanders or
Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use in
unventilated areas or where explosive vapors or carbon
monoxide build up could be present.
Keep rm footing and balance at all times. Do not
Do not use from ladders, trees, steep slopes, rooftops, or
other high places or unstable surfaces. This could result
in severe injury.
Never place objects inside the blower tubes; always direct
the blowing debris away from people, animals, glass, and
solid objects such as trees, automobiles, walls, etc. The
force of air can cause rocks, dirt, or sticks to be thrown or
to ricochet which can hurt people or animals, break glass,
or cause other damage.
Never run unit without the proper equipment attached.
When using your unit as a blower, always install blower
Check air intake opening and blower tube frequently,
always with engine stopped and spark plug disconnected.
Keep vents and discharge tubes free from debris which
can accumulate and restrict proper air ow and cause
damage to the unit.
Never use for spreading chemicals, fertilizers, or other
substances which may contain toxic materials.
To avoid spreading re, do not use near leaf or brush
res, replaces, barbecue pits, ashtrays, etc.
Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
Have all maintenance other than the recommended
procedures described in the instruction manual performed
by an authorized service dealer.
To reduce the risk of injury associated with contacting
rotating parts, stop the engine before installing or
removing attachments. Do not operate without guards
in place. Always disconnect the spark plug before
performing maintenance or accessing movable parts.
Use only genuine manufacturer parts; use of any other
parts may void your warranty and cause damage to your
Empty the fuel tank before storing the unit. Use up fuel
left in carburetor by starting the engine and letting it run
until it stops.
Do not use any accessory or attachment other than those
recommended by the manufacturer for use with your unit.
Do not store the unit or fuel in a closed area where fuel
vapors can reach sparks or an open ame from water
heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
Store in a dry area out of reach of children.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations through
prolonged use of gasoline powered hand tools could cause
blood vessel or nerve damage in the ngers, hands, and
joints of people prone to circulation disorders or abnormal
swelling. Prolonged use in cold weather has been linked
to blood vessel damage in otherwise healthy people. If
symptoms occur such as numbness, pain, loss of strength,
change in skin color or texture, or loss of feeling in the
ngers, hands, or joints, discontinue the use of this tool and
seek medical attention. An anti-vibration system does not
guarantee the avoidance of these problems. Users who
operate power tools on a continual and regular basis must
monitor closely their physical condition and the condition
of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped with a
temperature limiting mufer and spark arresting screen
which meets the requirements of California Codes 4442
and 4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of California,
Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and
Washington require by law that many internal combustion
engines be equipped with a spark arresting screen. If you
operate in a locale where such regulations exist, you are
legally responsible for maintaining the operating condition
of these parts. Failure to do so is a violation of the law.
For normal homeowner use, the mufer and spark arresting
screen will not require any service. After 50 hours of use,
we recommend that your mufer be serviced or replaced by
your authorized service dealer.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 1.71 MB)
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Marque Poulan
Modèle PRB26
Catégorie Souffleurs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.71 MB

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