Mode d’emploi Poulan PRB26 Souffleur

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Mode d’emploi


a WARNING: When starting engine, hold the
unit as instructed. Do not set unit on any
surface except a clean, hard area when starting
engine or while engine is running. Debris
such as gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc. could
be picked up by the air intake and thrown out
through the discharge opening, damaging the
unit or property, or causing serious injury to
bystanders or the operator.
NOTE: If your engine still does not start after following
these instructions, please call 1-800-487-5951.
STARTING A COLD ENGINE (or a warm engine
after running out of fuel)
Throttle Control Positions:
1. Slowly press the fuel primer bulb 10 times.
2. Put the choke lever in the FULL CHOKE position.
3. Pull starter rope handle sharply until engine attempts
to run, but no more than 3 pulls.
4. Put the choke lever in the HALF CHOKE position.
5. Pull starter rope handle sharply until engine runs.
6. Allow the engine to warm up for 10 seconds.
7. Put the choke lever in the NO CHOKE position.
1. Slowly press the fuel primer bulb 10 times.
2. Put the choke lever in the HALF CHOKE position.
3. Pull starter rope handle sharply until engine runs.
4. Put the choke lever in the NO CHOKE position.
DIFFICULT STARTING (or starting a ooded
1. Put the choke lever in the NO CHOKE position.
2. Pull the starter rope handle sharply to clear the engine
of excess fuel. This could require pulling the starter
handle many times depending on how badly the unit
is ooded.
NOTE: If the unit still does not start, refer to
TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE or call 1-800-487-5951.
To stop the engine, push the stop switch until the engine
a WARNING: While blowing debris, hold the unit
with the mufer exhaust away from your body and
clothes (see illustration).
To reduce the risk of hearing loss associated with sound
level(s), hearing protection is required.
Operate power equipment only at reasonable hours-not
early in the morning or late at night when people might be
disturbed. Comply with times listed in local ordinances.
Usual recommendations are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday though Saturday.
To reduce noise levels, operate power blowers at the
lowest possible throttle speed to do the job.
To reduce noise levels, limit the number of pieces of
equipment used at any one time.
Use rakes and brooms to loosen debris before blowing.
In dusty conditions, slightly dampen surfaces when water
is available.
Conserve water by using power blowers instead of hoses
for many lawn and garden applications, including areas
such as gutters, screens, patios, grills, porches, and
Watch out for children, pets, open windows, or freshly
washed cars. Blow debris away safely.
Use the full blower tube extension so the air stream can
work close to the ground.
After using blowers and other equipment, CLEAN UP!
Dispose of debris in trash receptacles.
We recommend all maintenance, service and adjustments
not listed in this manual be performed by an authorized
service dealer.
IMPORTANT: Have all repairs other than the recommended
maintenance described in the instruction manual performed
by an authorized service dealer.
If any dealer other than an authorized service dealer
performs work on the product, the manufacturer may not
pay for repairs under warranty. It is your responsibility to
maintain and perform general maintenance.
The warranty on this unit does not cover items that have
been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive
full value from the warranty, the operator must maintain unit
as instructed in this manual. Various adjustments will need
to be made periodically to properly maintain your unit.
Spark Plug Cable
Air Filter
Housing Screws
Contact an authorized service dealer for replacement of
damaged or worn parts.
Stop switch - Ensure stop switch stops the engine
properly. Push the stop switch until the engine stops.
Restart engine and continue.
Fuel Tank - Discontinue use of unit if fuel tank shows
signs of damage or leaks.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 1.71 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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Marque Poulan
Modèle PRB26
Catégorie Souffleurs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 1.71 MB

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