Mode d’emploi Reloop sPodcaster Go Microphone

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Mode d’emploi


6 7
1 1
5 5
CAUTION! For your own safety, please read this operation manual carefully before initial operation! All
persons involved in the installation, setting-up, operation, maintenance and service of these devices must
be appropriately qualified and observe this operation manual in detail. These products comply with the
requirements of the applicable European and national regulations. Conformity has been proven. The re-
spective statements and documents are deposited at the manufacturer.
Congratulations on purchasing your Reloop sPodcaster Go. Thank you for placing your trust in our techno-
logy. Before operating this equipment we ask you to carefully study and observe all instructions.
Please remove the Reloop sPodcaster Go from its packaging. Check before initial operation to make sure that the
device has not been visibly damaged during transport. If you detect any damage to the cable, do not operate the
device. Contact your specialised dealer.
For reasons of safety and approval (CE) the personal reconstruction and/or modication of these products are
prohibited. Please observe that damage caused by modications performed manually to this device is not covered
by the implied warranty.
These products leave our works in a perfect condition. Please observe all notes in these operating instructions to
warrant this condition and the safe operation of the products!
Any damage caused as a result of the non-compliance with these operating instructions leads to the expiration of
any implied warranty claim. The manufacturer does not accept liability for any damage to property or for personal
injury resulting from the improper handling of the products, or non-observance of the operating instructions.
If used for any purpose other than described in these operating instructions, the products may suffer damage and
the implied warranty expires. Also, any other use is linked with risks such as short circuits, re, electrical shock, etc.
Note: In case of return consignment please only use the original packaging to protect the unit against
transport damage. Transport damage that occurs due to improper packaging can lead to expiration of
warranty rights. The manufacturer is not liable for any transport damages that occur due to improper
packaging during return consignment to the buyer. Similar costs are at the expense of the sender!
- The products must be operated and stored in a dry environment only! Splash water, rain, humidity, fog may cause
serious damage. The limit value for relative humidity is 50% at 45°C.
- The products must be operated at a temperature range of between -5 °C and 45 °C only. Protect the products
against direct exposure to sunlight or other heat, such as from radiators!
- If the products are taken from a cold environment into a warm environment they must only be taken into operation
once they have reached ambient temperature, since the condensation created by the difference in temperature
may destroy the products!
- Protect the products against dust!
- This device is a condenser microphone with cardioid pattern and integrated USB-audio interface.
- This microphone is designed specically for applications in mobile recording surroundings (vocal and instrument
recordings) and smaller project studios.
- The Reloop sPodcaster Go has to be connected to a PC or Mac via USB cable and does not necessitate a separate
power supply.
- If the device is used for any other purposes than those described in the operation manual, damage can be caused
to the product, leading to the exclusion of implied warranty rights. Moreover, any other application that does not
comply with the specied purpose harbours risks such as short circuit, re, electric shock, etc.
- The serial number determined by the manufacturer must never be removed to uphold the implied warranty rights.
1......Volume +/- Buttons
2......Microphone Mute Button
3......3,5 mm Jack Output
4......USB Port
5......M10 Thread for Table Stand
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.72 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Reloop sPodcaster Go Microphone. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Reloop. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Reloop sPodcaster Go Microphone dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Reloop
Modèle sPodcaster Go
Catégorie Microphones
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.72 MB

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Mode d’emploi Reloop sPodcaster Go Microphone

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