Mode d’emploi Rotel RB-1080 Amplificateur

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Mode d’emploi


The RB-1080 generates heat as part of its nor-
mal operation. The heat sinks and ventilation
openings in the amplifier are designed to
dissipate this heat. The ventilation slots in the
top cover must be open. There should be 10
cm (4 inches) of clearance around the chas-
sis, and reasonable airflow through the in-
stallation location, to prevent the amplifier from
Likewise, remember the weight of the ampli-
fier when you select an installation location.
Make sure that the shelf or cabinet can sup-
port its considerable bulk. Again, use com-
mon sense.
About THX Ultra™
THX is an exclusive set of standards and tech-
nologies established by the world-renowned
film production company, Lucasfilm Ltd. THX
grew from George Lucas’ personal desire to
make your experience of the film soundtrack,
in both movie theaters and in your home the-
ater, as faithful as possible to what the direc-
tor intended.
Movie sound tracks are mixed in special movie
theaters called dubbing stages and are de-
signed to be played back in movie theaters
with similar equipment and conditions. The
soundtrack created for movie theaters is then
transferred directly onto Laserdisc, VHS tape,
DVD, etc., and is not changed for playback
in a small home theater environment. THX
engineers developed patented technologies
to accurately translate the sound from the movie
theater environment into the home, correct-
ing the tonal and spatial errors that occur.
Before any home theater component can be
THX Ultra certified, it must incorporate the THX
technologies and also pass a rigorous series
of quality and performance tests. Only then
can a product feature the THX Ultra logo, which
is your guarantee that the Home Theater prod-
ucts you purchase will give you superb per-
formance for many years to come.
THX and the THX logo are trademarks of
Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.
AC Power and Control
AC Power Input
Because of its high power rating, the RB-1080
can draw considerable current. Therefore, it
should be plugged directly into a 3-pin po-
larized wall outlet. Do not use an extension
cord. A heavy duty multi-tap power outlet strip
may be used if it (and the wall outlet) is rated
to handle the current demanded by the
RB-1080 and all the other components con-
nected to it.
Be sure the Power Switch on the front panel
of the RB-1080 is turned off (in the out posi-
tion). Then, connect the supplied power cord
to the Power Connector
on the back panel
of the amplifier and to the AC power outlet.
Your RB-1080 is configured at the factory for
the proper AC line voltage in the country where
you purchased it (either 115 volts AC or 230
volts AC with a line frequency of either 50
Hz or 60 Hz). The AC line configuration is
noted on a decal on the back panel.
Should you move your RB-1080
amplifier to another country, it is possible
to reconfigure your amplifier for use on a
different line voltage. Do not attempt to
perform this conversion yourself. Opening
the enclosure of the RB-1080 exposes you
to dangerous voltages. Consult a qualified
service person or the Rotel factory service
department for information.
If you are going to be away from home for
an extended period of time such as a month-
long vacation, it is a sensible precaution to
unplug your amplifier (as well as other au-
dio and video components) while you are
Power Switch and Power
The power switch is located on the front panel
of your amplifier. To turn the amplifier on, push
the switch in. The LED indicator above the
switch will light, indicating that the amplifier
is turned on. To turn the amplifier off, push
the button again and return it to the out po-
Trigger ON/OFF
Mode Selector
The Amplifier provides the option for manual
or automatic power on/off operation. These
modes are selectable using a toggle switch
on the back panel.
With the switch in the +12V TRIGGER ON
position, the amplifier is turned on automati-
cally when a 12V trigger signal is present at
the 3.5 mm Jack of TRIGGER IN on the rear
panel. The amplifier will go into standby mode
if the +12V signal is not present. The front panel
POWER SWITCH overrides this function. It must
be ON for the +12V trigger to work. Turning
the switch OFF cuts power to the amplifier,
regardless of whether or not a trigger signal
is present.
12V Trigger Input
and Output
The jack labeled IN is for connecting the 3.5mm
Plug/Cable carrying a +12 volt trigger sig-
nal to turn the amplifier on and off. To use
this feature the toggle switch must be set to
the ON position. This input accepts any con-
trol signal (AC or DC) ranging from 3 volts
to 30 volts.
The jack labeled OUT is for connecting an-
other 3.5mm plug/cable to provide a 12V
trigger signal to other components. The 12V
output signal is available whenever a +12 volt
trigger signal is applied to the IN connector.
RB-1080 Stereo Power Amplifier
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.83 MB)
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Rotel RB-1080 Amplificateur. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Rotel. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Rotel RB-1080 Amplificateur dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Rotel
Modèle RB-1080
Catégorie Amplificateurs
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.83 MB

Tous les modes d’emploi pour Rotel Amplificateurs
Plus de modes d’emploi de Amplificateurs

Foire aux questions sur Rotel RB-1080 Amplificateur

Notre équipe d’assistance recherche des informations utiles sur les produits et des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées. Si vous trouvez une inexactitude dans notre foire aux questions, veuillez nous le faire savoir en utilisant notre formulaire de contact.

Quelle est la différence entre un amplificateur et un préamplificateur ? Vérifié

Un amplificateur est souvent un amplificateur intégré, avec préamplificateur et amplificateur de puissance dans un seul appareil. Un préamplificateur règle le volume et parfois l’équilibre et la tonalité et vous permet de choisir la source utilisée (CD, bande, platine, etc.). Un préamplificateur fournit souvent un peu d’amplification, juste assez pour l’amplificateur de puissance. C’est un préamplificateur actif. Parfois, un préamplificateur n’amplifie pas, ce qui en fait un préamplificateur passif.

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Mode d’emploi Rotel RB-1080 Amplificateur

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