Mode d’emploi Siku set 6826 Racing BMW M4 DTM

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Mode d’emploi


Safety instructions for battery and charger
The replacement and charging of batteries, as well as
the operating of the charger may only be performed
by adults.
The charger is not part of the toy and therefore is not
part of the GS certification. Bear in mind that unforesee-
able situations may arise from the natural playful tem-
perament of children for which the manufacturer cannot
be held responsible.
Only use the original SIKU charger to charge the bat-
teries. Check the charger and battery for damage on
a regular basis. Defective parts may no longer be used.
Never attempt to charge a
damaged battery or use it
to operate the toy. The bat-
teries and charger become
warm during the charging
process. Never operate the charger on flammable sur-
faces or easily ignited objects. If the battery becomes
hot during the charging process, discontinue the process
immediately. In addition, always observe the correct po-
larity of batteries. Non-observance can lead to damage
and leakage of the batteries. Avoid any contact of the
skin or eyes with the contents of the battery.
Danger to the user may arise from improper repairs
and structural alterations (dismantling of original parts,
attachment of inadmissible parts, changes to the elec-
tronics, etc.) and the warranty is completely voided.
3. Explanation of the main components
3.1 Vehicles
The SIKU metal body with high-quality graphics is char-
acteristic for the race cars. The technical details include
the full-suspension chassis with differential transmission,
true-to-the-original lighting and innovative colour sen-
sor technology.
3.2 Colour sensor
There is a colour sensor on the bot-
tom of the vehicle chassis towards the
front. When switched on, the sensor
permanent detects the colour of the
road surface. The colours of the SIK
U race track are specially designed for the vehicle. The
sensor recognises the different colours and triggers dif-
ferent reactions during the drive.
Grey surface = proportional driving
(infinitely variable
steering and driving)
Blue surface = aquaplaning simulation
(vehicle fishtails)
Green surface = grass simulation
(vehicle becomes slower)
Yellow surface = turbo simulation
(brief turbo boost)
(Changes reserved)
If the vehicles are on the SIKU race track, the user can
decide whether to activate the colour sensor.
> For calibration of the colour sensor, see point 7.
3.3 Free driving
A special feature is the free driving
of the vehicles, which means
that the
models can be driven
on a variety of surfaces (e.g. par-
quet, laminate) and thereby enable
the greatest possible flexibility when playing.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 3.21 MB)
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Marque Siku
Modèle set 6826 Racing BMW M4 DTM
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 3.21 MB

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