Mode d’emploi Silit Vision Poêle

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Mode d’emploi


Maintaining safety and function: → If the handles have beco-
me loose, tighten them using a screwdriver. → Replace handles
that are cracked or do not fit correctly.
Hazard. Cooking safely with your Silargan® cookware: → Use
suitable, heat-resistant hand protection, particularly when you
are using the cookware in the oven. → During use, never touch the
hot outer surfaces of the cookware. → You must use the handles
and ensure a firm grip when moving or carrying hot cookware.
→ Do not touch anybody else with the hot cookware. → Only place
the hot cookware on heat-resistant surfaces (never on synthetic
material, etc.). → Never leave hot cookware unattended. → During
use, keep children away from the cookware. → Do not extinguish
burning fat with water. Use a lid or a blanket.
→ Remove all stickers and tags. → Fill the cookware / with wa-
ter and add - tablespoons of vinegar. → Boil the vinegar wa-
ter in the cookware for approx. – minutes. → Then rinse all
parts thoroughly by hand. → Dry the cookware thoroughly.
Maintaining the cookware and hob: → Never overheat
the cookware. Make sure that the liquid in the cook-
ware never completely evaporates. → Do not knock
kitchen gadgets on the pouring rim. → Avoid sli-
ding the cookware back and forth across glass
ceramic hobs. Lift the cookware instead.
→ Keep the cooking area clean, as resi-
due between the base of the cookwa-
re and the glass ceramic hob can
scratch the cooking area.
Observe the temperature specifications when using in the
oven. The maximum temperature resistance depends on the
parts with the lowest temperature resistance (handle, lid or
body). → Never use the grill function of the oven with glass lids.
Handles (lid and body) Temperature resistance
made of synthetic material/silicone °C (for keeping food warm)
made of stainless steel °C
Hazard. Handling hot fat correctly: → Thoroughly dab food dry
before you fry it in hot fat to avoid burns caused by hot oil splas-
hes. → Do not overheat the fat.
Frying: → Fill the cookware no more than half way with suitable
fat. → Do not use a lid when frying food to prevent burns caused
by fat frothing over. → Never extinguish burning fat with water.
Use a lid or a blanket.
Cooking tips: → Only use the highest cooking setting for boi-
ling or frying. Then turn the heat back down to a medium or
low setting.
Health-conscious low-fat frying: Cookware by Silit have
an extra-sturdy steel core and are ideal for flash frying at
high temperatures. → Place the cold cookware with a
little fat on the hotplate and heat at a high setting.
→ When streaks appear in the fat or it starts to smo-
ke slightly, distribute evenly around the cook-
ware by rotating. → Then put the unseasoned
meat into the cookware and press it down.
→ Turn down the heat of the hob.
→ Wait until the protein has coagu-
lated and the pores of the meat
→ Super-hard surface.
→ Cut- and scratch-resistant.
→ For searing.
Oven Pan
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

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Marque Silit
Modèle Vision
Catégorie Poêles
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 2.84 MB

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Quelles sont les casseroles qui peuvent être utilisées sur une table de cuisson à induction ? Vérifié

En général toutes les casseroles qui sont magnétiques peuvent être utilisées sur une table de cuisson à induction. Presque toutes les nouvelles casseroles sont adaptées à l'induction.

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Puis-je mettre des poêles avec du Teflon au lave-vaisselle ? Vérifié

Oui, c'est permis. Cependant, la poêle s'usera plus rapidement que lorsqu'elle est nettoyée à la main. Lorsque vous nettoyez une poêle avec du Teflon à la main, n'utilisez jamais de tampon à récurer mais bien une éponge ou un chiffon doux.

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Mode d’emploi Silit Vision Poêle

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