Mode d’emploi SilverCrest IAN 277009 Gaufrier

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Mode d’emploi


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6. Before the first usage
Before taking the appliance into use check to ensure
that the appliance, the power plug and the power
cable are all in a serviceable condition and that all
packaging materials have been removed.
First clean the appliance as described chapter
“8. Cleaning and care”.
Lightly grease the baking surfaces with an oil
that is suitable for baking/grilling. In this way any
production-related residues on the baking surfaces
are better dissolved.
Heat the appliance briefly to the maximum
temperature with the lid closed:
On this first use, the development of a light odour
may occur, caused by production residues (a slight
smoke development is also possible). This is normal
and dissipates after a short time. Provide for sufficient
ventilation. For example, open a window.
1. To do this, insert the plug into the wall socket and
set the browning regulator 2 to level 5.
2. The red operating light 1 glows as long as the
power plug is in the socket. The green operating
light 1 glows as soon as the appliance is suffi-
ciently warmed up.
• Remove the power plug and, with the lid open,
allow the appliance to cool down.
Clean the appliance again as described under
“8. Cleaning and care”. The waffle maker is now
ready for use.
7. Baking waffles
When you have prepared a pastry that is intended
for baking in the waffle machine:
1. Heat the appliance with the lid closed. To do this,
insert the plug into the wall socket and turn the
browning regulator 2 to level 3. The further you
turn the browning regulator 2 to the right, the
darker the waffles will be baked.
2. As soon as the green operating light 1 glows
the appliance is sufficiently warmed up.
If you have prepared a low-fat dough, for example
curd cheese dough, then lightly oil the baking surfaces
with an oil that is suitable for baking.
• Spread the dough evenly over the lower baking
surfaces. To determine the correct amount of
dough, fill it until the pastry is just touching the
edge of the baking surfaces. If necessary, increase
or decrease the amount of dough used in the next
waffle. Ensure that the batter does not run over
the edge of the baking surfaces.
Close the lid.
• After 2 minutes at the earliest you can open the
lid to check the baking result. Opening the lid
earlier will only tear the waffle.
• After about 3 minutes the waffle is baked.
As the ideal level of browning is very dependent on
personal taste and the type of pastry, the baking
time can vary: Therefore, bake the waffles until your
personally desired level of browning is achieved.
The level of browning can be determined either by
adjusting the browning regulator 2 or by the length
of baking time. In this way you can bake crispy
golden waffles.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.29 MB)
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos SilverCrest IAN 277009 Gaufrier. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter SilverCrest. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre SilverCrest IAN 277009 Gaufrier dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque SilverCrest
Modèle IAN 277009
Catégorie Gaufriers
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.29 MB

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Quel est le numéro de modèle de mon produit SilverCrest ? Vérifié

Bien que certains produits SilverCrest aient un numéro de modèle alternatif, tous ont un numéro IAN auquel le produit peut être identifié.

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Comment entretenir mon gaufrier ? Vérifié

Il est préférable de nettoyer votre appareil à l’aide d’une éponge ou d’un chiffon humide. N’utilisez jamais d’éponge métallique ou de nettoyant abrasif. Cela endommagerait la couche de protection.

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Mode d’emploi SilverCrest IAN 277009 Gaufrier

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