Mode d’emploi Stoves CHIM60 Hotte aspirante

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Mode d’emploi


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Carefully read the following important information regarding in-
stallation safety and maintenance. Keep this information booklet
accessible for further consultations. The appliance has been
designed for use in the ducting version (air exhaust to the outside
– Fig.1B), filtering version (air circulation on the inside – Fig.1A)
or with external motor (Fig.1C).
1. Take care when the cooker hood is operating simultaneously
with an open fireplace or burner that depend on the air in the
environment and are supplied by other than electrical energy, as
the cooker hood removes the air from the environment which a
burner or fireplace need for combustion.
The negative pressure in the environment must not exceed 4Pa
(4x10-5 bar).
Provide adequate ventilation in the environment for a safe
operation of the cooker hood.Follow the local laws applicable for
external air evacuation.
Before connecting the model to the electricity network:
- control the data plate (positioned inside the appliance) to
ascertain that the voltage and power correspond to the network
and the socket is suitable. If in doubt ask a qualified electrician.
- If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced with
another cable or a special assembly, which may be obtained direct
from the manufacturer or from the Technical Assistance Centre.
- This device must be connected to the supply network through
eiter a plug fused 3A or hardwired to a 2 fase spur protected by
3A fuse.
In certain circumstances electrical appliances may be a
danger hazard.
A) Do not check the status of the filters while the cooker
hood is operating
B) Do not touch bulbs or adjacent areas, during or straight
after prolonged use of the lighting installation.
C) Flambè cooking is prohibited underneath the cooker hood
D) Avoid free flame, as it is damaging for the filters and a
fire hazard
E) Constantly check food frying to avoid that the overheated
oil may become a fire hazard
F) Disconnect the electrical plug prior to any maintenance.
G) This appliance is not intended for use by young children
or infirm persons without supervision
H) Young children should be supervised to ensure they do
not play with the appliance
I) There shall be adequate ventilation of the room when the
rangehood is used at the same time as appliances burning
gas or other fuels
L) There is a risk of fire if cleaning is not carried out in ac-
cordance with the instructions
This appliance conforms to the European Directive EC/2002/96,
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By making
sure that this appliance is disposed of in a suitable manner, the
user is helping to prevent potential damage to the environment or
to public health.
he symbol on the product or on the accompanying
paperwork indicates that the appliance should not be treated as
domestic waste, but should be delivered to a suitable electric and
electronic appliance recycling collection point.
Follow local guidelines when disposing of waste.
For more information on the treatment, re-use and recycling of
this product, please contact your local authority, domestic waste
collection service or the shop where the appliance was purchased.
Assembly and electrical connections must be carried out by
specialised personnel.
• Electric Connection
The appliance has been manufactured as a class II, therefore no
earth cable is necessary.
The connection to the mains is carried out as follows:
BROWN = L line
BLUE = N neutral
If not provided, connect a plug for the electrical load indicated on
the description label. Where a plug is provided, the cooker hood
must be installed in order that the plug is easily accessible.
An omnipolar switch with a minimum opening of 3mm between
contacts, in line with the electrical load and local standards, must
be placed between the appliance and the network in the case of
direct connection to the electrical network.
The minimum distance between the support surfaces of the
cooking pots on the cooker top and the lowest part of the cooker
hood must be at least 65 cm.
If a connection tube composed of two parts is used, the upper
part must be placed outside the lower part.
Do not connect the cooker hood exhaust to the same conductor
used to circulate hot air or for evacuating fumes from other
appliances generated by other than an electrical source.
Before proceeding with the assembly operations, remove the anti-
grease filter(s) (Fig.6) so that the unit is easier to handle.
In the case of assembly of the appliance in the suction version
prepare the hole for evacuation of the air.
If your appliance has been designed for use in habitations
supplied with acentralised suction device perform the following
-The switch controls opening and closure of a valve using a
thermoelectical device. By placing the switch in the ON position,
after a minute, the valve opens rotating 90° allowing suction of
the stale air. By placing the switch in the OFF position, the valve
closes after 100 seconds.
Drill the holes A respecting the distances indicated (Fig.2). Fix
the appliance to the wall and align it in horizontal position to the
wall units. When the appliance has been adjusted, definitely fix
the hood using the screws A (Fig.4). For the various installations
use screws and screw anchors suited to the type of wall (e.g.
reinforced concrete, plasterboard, etc.). If the screws and screw
anchors are provided with the product, check that they are suitable
for the type of wall on which the hood is to be fixed.
Arrange the electrical power supply within the dimensions of the
decorative flue. If your appliance is to be installed in the ducting
version or in the version with external motor, prepare the air
exhaust opening. Adjust the width of the support bracket of the
upper flue (Fig.3). Then fix it to the ceiling using the screws A
(Fig.3) in such a way that it is in line with your hood and respecting
the distance from the ceiling indicated in Fig.2. Connect the flange
C to the air exhaust hole using a connection pipe (Fig.4). Insert
the upper flue into the lower flue and rest above the frame. Extract
the upper flue up to the bracket and fix it with the screws B (Fig.3).
To transform the hood from a ducting version into a filtering version,
ask your dealer for the charcoal filters and follow the installation
Install the hood and the two flues as described in the paragraph
for installation of the hood in ducting version. To assemble the
filtering flue refer to the instructions contained in the kit.
If the kit is not provided, order it from your dealer as accessory.
The filters must be applied to the suction unit positioned inside
the hood. They must be centred by turning them 90 degrees until
the stop catch is tripped (fig. 7).
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.19 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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Marque Stoves
Modèle CHIM60
Catégorie Hottes aspirantes
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.19 MB

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Foire aux questions sur Stoves CHIM60 Hotte aspirante

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Quelle distance doit-il y avoir entre ma hotte aspirante et ma plaque de cuisson ? Vérifié

Cela peut varier un peu en fonction de la marque, mais en général une hotte aspirante doit être placée à au moins 65 centimètres au-dessus d'une cuisinière à gaz et au moins 50 centimètres au-dessus d'une cuisinière électrique ou à induction. Il s'agit d'améliorer la sécurité - incendie

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Ai-je besoin d’une hotte avec ou sans moteur ? Vérifié

Les hottes de cuisinière avec moteur sont conçues pour le déplacement de l’air directement à l’extérieur. Une hotte de cuisinière sans moteur est conçue pour un système de ventilation central. Ne raccordez jamais une hotte avec moteur à un système de ventilation central !

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Mode d’emploi Stoves CHIM60 Hotte aspirante

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