Mode d’emploi Tefal FV4066X0 Ultraglide Pro Fer à repasser

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Mode d’emploi


Read all instructions before using the iron.
When using your iron, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:
1. Use iron only for its intended use.
2. To protect against a risk of electric shock, do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids.
3. Always turn the iron OFF before plugging or unplugging the iron from the electrical outlet. Never pull on the cord
to disconnect the iron from the electrical outlet; instead, grasp the plug and pull on the plug to disconnect the iron.
4. Do not allow cord to touch hot surfaces. Let iron cool completely before putting away. Loop cord loosely around
iron when storing.
5. Always disconnect iron from electrical outlet when filling with water or emptying and when not in use.
6. Do not operate iron with a damaged cord or if the iron has been dropped or damaged. To avoid the risk of
electric shock, do not disassemble the iron. Contact our Consumer Service Department for examination, repair or
adjustment. Incorrect reassembly can cause a risk of electric shock when the iron is used.
7. Close supervision is necessary for any appliance being used by or near children. Do not leave iron unattended
while connected or on an ironing board.
8. Burns can occur from touching hot metal parts, hot water or steam. Use caution when you turn a steam iron
upside down - there may be hot water in the reservoir.
9. This appliance is only for domestic and personal use.
1. To avoid a circuit overload, do not operate another high-wattage appliance on the same circuit.
2. If an extension cord is absolutely necessary, a 15 amp. cord should be used. Cords rated for less amper may
overheat. Care should be taken to arrange the cord so that it cannot be pulled or tripped over.
For your safety
This appliance complies with the technical rules and standards for safety currently in force (Electromagnetic Com-
patibility, Low Voltage, Environnement).
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concer-
ning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children must be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
During the first few uses, a harmless odour and a small amount of smoke may be given off. This has no effect
on the use of the iron and will disappear quickly.
Warning ! The voltage of your electrical installation must correspond to that of the iron (120V or 127V).
Connecting to the wrong voltage may cause irreversible damage to the iron and will terminate the
If it is absolutely essential to use an extension cable, choose a 15 amp cord.
If the electrical cord becomes damaged, it must be immediately replaced by an Approved Service Centre to
avoid any danger.
The appliance should not be used if it has fallen, if it has obvious damage, if it leaks or functions incorrectly. Never
dismantle your appliance : have it inspected by an Approved Service Centre, to avoid any danger.
Never immerse your iron in water !
Do not unplug your appliance by pulling on the cord. Always unplug your appliance: before filling or rinsing the
water tank, before cleaning it, after each use.
Never leave the appliance unattended when it is connected to the mains. Before storing the appliance, once it is
unplugged, please wait until it has cooled down (around 1 hour).
Your appliance gives off steam, which may cause burns. Take extra care especially when you are ironing close to
the edge or on a corner of your ironing board. Never direct the steam towards people or animals.
Your iron should be used and placed on a flat, stable, heat-resistant surface. When you put your iron onto its iron
rest, make sure that the surface on which you put it is stable.
This product has been designed for domestic use only. The manufacturer will accept no responsibility and the
guarantee will be terminated, if this product is used for commercial purposes, inappropriate use or failure to
comply with the instructions.
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 9.5 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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Marque Tefal
Modèle FV4066X0 Ultraglide Pro
Catégorie Fers à repasser
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 9.5 MB

Tous les modes d’emploi pour Tefal Fers à repasser
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Foire aux questions sur Tefal FV4066X0 Ultraglide Pro Fer à repasser

Notre équipe d’assistance recherche des informations utiles sur les produits et des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées. Si vous trouvez une inexactitude dans notre foire aux questions, veuillez nous le faire savoir en utilisant notre formulaire de contact.

Puis-je nettoyer le fond de mon fer à repasser avec un récureur ? Vérifié

Non, ça pourrait endommager le fond. Utilisez un chiffon humide ou une éponge douce pour le nettoyer.

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Quelles sont les différences entre un fer à vapeur et un fer à repasser ordinaire ? Vérifié

L’avantage principal d'un fer à vapeur est que la vapeur permet de défroisser plus facilement les plis. Quant à un fer à repasser ordinaire, il est bien plus léger et souvent moins cher.

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La semelle de mon fer à repasser est décolorée, puis-je encore repasser avec ? Vérifié

C’est possible, mais il y a un risque qu’il déteigne sur des vêtements de couleur claire.

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Puis-je repasser sur des boutons ? Vérifié

Non, cela endommagerait la semelle du fer et empêcherait le fer de fonctionner correctement. Ne repassez jamais sur des boutons, des fermetures éclair ou d’autres objets durs.

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Mode d’emploi Tefal FV4066X0 Ultraglide Pro Fer à repasser

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