Mode d’emploi VonHaus 2500216 Valise

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Mode d’emploi


A5P | 01
Please read all instructions carefully before use and
retain for future reference.
Veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions avant
utilisation et conservez-les pour pouvoir les consulter
à l’avenir.
Bitte lesen Sie die Anleitung sorgfältig und bewahren Sie
sie als Referenz auf.
Leed todas las instrucciones detenidamente antes de
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Si prega di leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni prima
dell’uso e conservarle per una futura consultazione.
Lea todas las instrucciones detenidamente antes de
usar y consérvelas para futuras consultas.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Although the body of your
luggage is made of an impact-resistant material, exces-
sive shock or force can result in deformation or damage.
If any damage should occur to checked luggage during
baggage handling or customs (such as forcibly broken
locks), it must be understood that this is not a fault with
the product. Inspect your luggage immediately after
handling by anyone other than you. If your luggage
is damaged in transit, submit a claim to the airline or
transit company at the place of arrival. The airline/
transit company is insured against damaging your
product. Your rights to claim for damage during transit is
listed under the Montreal Convention. Visit the relevant
luggage handling counter and request a Property Irreg-
ularity Report (PIR) to claim. Before your journey, check
the airline/transit baggage rules regarding the length of
time you have to consult the airline/transit company for
luggage damage should you not be able to make an im-
mediate claim. Damage caused during transit/customs
is not covered under your warranty.
INTENDED USE Do not use the luggage set for any
purpose other than that for which it was designed. This
luggage set should not be used for playing, or as a
walking aid, platform or chair.
This luggage set is designed and intended for travel
purposes only. Do not store cash or valuables inside
the luggage as the lock is intended to seal the luggage
closed during transit and is not a security feature.
This luggage set is not a toy. Children should be
supervised at all times to ensure they do not play with
the product.
careful of unexpected suitcase movement in a moving
vehicle or on a slope. Set the suitcase at or hold the
handle at all times.
When opening and closing the suitcase, be careful not
to catch your ngers, clothing or other items.
Be careful when placing the suitcase on a high place in
order to prevent it from falling. If the suitcase falls on a
person it could cause serious injury.
When carrying the suitcase on an escalator, pay atten-
tion to your surroundings, position the suitcase in front
or behind and hold it securely to prevent it from falling.
NOTE it is potentially dangerous to carry check-in lug-
gage on escalators. Please observe escalator guidelines
at all times. Do not put your weight on the pull handle
since the suitcase can fall over and cause injury.
Do not overload the luggage. If the luggage cannot
close securely without the use of extra pressure, remove
items from the luggage. Overloaded luggage is more
susceptible to damage, fatigue and malfunction.
Do not overload the luggage with excess weight. This
can damage the luggage and may incur extra freight
charges from airlines.
Always load heavier items at the bottom of the luggage.
This will increase stability and help to prevent tip-over.
When closing the locks, zips or extending handles, take
care not to allow your ngers, clothing or hair to be
caught in any mechanisms.
When opening the luggage, always open the zippers
fully. Attempting to forcibly open the luggage with the
zipper halfway open can cause zippers to become
damaged. Always pay attention to your surroundings
when walking with the luggage. It can present a trip
hazard or obstruction to you or other people/vehicles
if not properly handled. Never forcibly roll the luggage
over stairs or uneven surfaces. Improper use of wheels
may result in damage to the luggage or cause the user
to trip over. Carry the suitcase by the handles provided
where necessary. Keep the luggage clear of soft ground
or dirt. Dirt, dust or debris adhered to the wheel shafts
can prevent the wheels from turning.
Do not lift the luggage by the telescopic handle. Always
use the static body handles provided.
Take care not to subject the luggage to sharp knocks,
impacts or drops as this can cause damage to the
luggage. Do not attempt to force the luggage to t
into small compartments. Always check the compart-
ment sizes/luggage allowance prior to travel to ensure
Do not leave the luggage near sources of heat or ignition
such as radiators or open ames.
Do not use any harsh or abrasive detergents to clean the
luggage. To clean the outer surface, wipe with a cloth
dampened with suitable proprietary household cleaning
uid and dry thoroughly. The inside fabric is spot-clean
only. Do not submerge any part of this product in water
or any other liquid for any reason.
UTILISATION PRÉVUE N’utilisez pas le lot de bagages
à d’autres ns que ce pour quoi il a été conçu. Ce lot
de bagages ne doit être utilisé ni pour jouer, ni en tant
qu’aide à la marche, plateforme ou chaise.
Ce lot de bagages a été conçu et prévu uniquement
pour voyager. Ne stockez pas d’argent ou d’objets
précieux dans les bagages. En eet, la serrure a été
Télécharger mode d’emploi en Français (PDF, 0.17 MB)
(Tenez compte de l’environnement et imprimez ce manuel uniquement si c’est vraiment nécessaire)



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Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos VonHaus 2500216 Valise. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter VonHaus. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre VonHaus 2500216 Valise dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque VonHaus
Modèle 2500216
Catégorie Valises
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.17 MB

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