Mode d’emploi Waring Commercial WW300BX Gaufrier

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Mode d’emploi


6 7
7. For WW300BX, 1 or 2 waf es can be baked at a time on a unit.
For one waf e, follow previous instructions. For two waf es at
once, pour batter onto the top grid, then rotate 180°. You will
now be able to open the other grid. Pour batter onto the grid
and rotate another 180° in the other direction. Both waf es
will now bake. There are individual green ready lights that will
illuminate when each waf e is ready.
8. Always disconnect the plug from the wall outlet, once baking
has been completed.
NOTE: Thermal protection – If power is lost during operation, un-
plug and let coll down for 10 minutes. Plug in and continue use.
We recommend setting #4 when using commercial
pancake/waf e mixes.
We recommend setting #4 for Belgian waf e recipes.
If you prefer crisper, darker Belgian waf es, increase the
browning control.
For evenly  lled waf es, pour the batter into the center of the lower
grid and spread out evenly to the edges. The entire lower grid should
be  lled.
For best results, we recommend using the Belgian waf e  ll line (top
line on batter cup) on the batter cup or use enough batter to  ll the
entire lower grid.
For added convenience while baking waf es, hang measuring scoop
on bowl with handle hanging on outside of bowl and scoop on inside
of bowl until the next baking cycle.
To measure  our, stir the  our  rst to aerate it, since it settles when it
sits. Then spoon it into a measuring cup, leveling off the top with the
back of a knife – do not pack down into measuring cup. These quick
steps will help you avoid heavy waf es. Belgian waf es taste best
when made to order, but baked Belgian waf es may be kept warm in
a 200˚F oven. Place in a baking pan or wrap in foil while in the oven.
Waf es wrapped in foil may lose their crispness.
Baked waf es may be frozen. Allow to cool completely, and then
place in plastic food storage bag. Use waxed paper to keep waf es
separated. Reheat in an oven, toaster or toaster oven when ready
to use.
1. Before using your Waring
Commercial Waf e Maker for the  rst
time, remove any dust from shipping by wiping the plates with a
damp cloth. Remove all protective paper and wrapping.
2. Plug cord into 120V AC, 20 Amp (NEMA 5-20) wall outlet (for
WW250X) or 208V AC wall outlet (for WW250BX & WW300BX).
Each waf e unit works independently. You can use one at a time
or both at the same time. Switch the toggle switch or switches
to the ON position. The red light(s) will go on to signal power.
The waf e unit(s) will now begin the preheating process. This
should take about 3-4 minutes. Each unit will sound 6 beeps
and the green indicator light(s) will go on to signal the unit is
ready for baking. Season the waf e grids by spraying with
cooking spray or brushing with a  avorless oil.
For initial use, it is important that the waf e maker is
preheated before seasoning with cooking spray or oil.
NOTE: The fi rst time you use your waf e maker, it may have a
slight odor and may smoke a bit. This is normal,
and common to heating appliances.
3. Preheat your Waring
Commercial Waf e Maker on setting #4
or preferred setting (green indicator lights will be illuminated
when preheated).
For best results, do not open waf e maker during cooking
process. Doing so will interfere with the timing mechanism.
4. Fill measuring cup to Belgian Waf e  ll line (top line on batter
cup) marking or to top of measuring cup, depending on the
recipe. (For loose batters,  ll to the  ll line; for thicker batters,
ll to the top) and pour batter evenly into the center of the waf e
grids. Use a heat-proof spatula to spread the batter evenly over
the grids. Close the lid and rotate the unit 180° to the right.
5. When the waf e is completely baked, the waf e maker will
sound 3 beeps. Baking time is determined by browning level.
Choose a setting on the browning control dial. For golden
brown waf es, we recommend using setting #4.
6. Once the waf e(s) are ready and the waf e maker has beeped
3 times, rotate the waf e maker 180° to the left, open the lid and
remove waf e(s) by gently loosening the edges with a heat-
proof plastic spatula. Never use metal utensils, as they may
damage the nonstick coating.
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En savoir plus sur ce mode d’emploi

Nous comprenons qu’il est agréable d’avoir un mode d’emploi papier pour vos Waring Commercial WW300BX Gaufrier. Vous pouvez toujours télécharger le mode d’emploi depuis notre site Web et l’imprimer vous-même. Si vous souhaitez disposer d’un mode d’emploi original, nous vous recommandons de contacter Waring Commercial. Ils pourront peut-être fournir un mode d’emploi original. Recherchez-vous le mode d’emploi de votre Waring Commercial WW300BX Gaufrier dans une autre langue ? Choisissez votre langue préférée sur notre page d’accueil et recherchez le numéro de modèle pour voir si nous l’avons disponible.


Marque Waring Commercial
Modèle WW300BX
Catégorie Gaufriers
Type de fichier PDF
Taille du fichier 0.41 MB

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Comment entretenir mon gaufrier ? Vérifié

Il est préférable de nettoyer votre appareil à l’aide d’une éponge ou d’un chiffon humide. N’utilisez jamais d’éponge métallique ou de nettoyant abrasif. Cela endommagerait la couche de protection.

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Mode d’emploi Waring Commercial WW300BX Gaufrier

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